>A pleasant afternoon…

After I wrote my post early this morning, I got dressed in my carefully selected outfit and walked the dog around the field. It was not raining and the wind was not blowing, although it was a little cold, but nothing compared to how it has been. After I had walked the dog, I made a shopping list and hopped on my bike and went to the grocery store where there were hardly any customers, just as I had hoped, and there was only one cash register open with yawning cashier. I got my groceries in the shortest amount of time and found out that if you go that early in the day, you get very good deals, like three loaves of bread for two Euros fresh from the bakery, So I got those to put in the freezer at home. I figured it was my lucky day. I got my milk and porridge and the other groceries and zoomed through the check out stand and loaded up my bike and rode it home in the shortest amount of time, and when I got home and unloaded everything, I still had time for a cup of coffee before I had to leave for creative therapy.

When I got to creative therapy, I sat in the smoker’s room with one of my favorite people there and I will be sorry not to see him again after this week. He’s a very good artist and a kind and intelligent man who suffers from depressions. Everybody is going in different directions now and we’re all saying goodbye to each other this week.

I was just interrupted by a phone call of a friend of mine who is feeling low and needed a bit of cheering up, so I did my best to do that. It did wear me out a bit because she had nothing but bad news and I had nothing but good news, so we were talking at odd ends. I’m too sensitive a person not to be influenced by that and have to shake myself free of it right now and get back on my high road where I was walking so merrily in my color co-ordinated outfit.

I finished my pen and ink drawing, which I filled in with a little brush with colored ink and made another one with multiple petaled flowers and colored those in too. I finished it just on time and took them both home with me. I’m just filling in my time now and doing unimportant things, because there is no time left to start a big project. I would love to do another painting, but I will have to do it at home, because there is no chance right now for me to do it anywhere else. I can get a canvas at Action, they sell them cheap there and maybe I’ll go over there tomorrow and have a look and see what’s available. I do have a limited amount of paint, so I probably want to get a smaller canvas.

That reminds me of another number of projects I have to do that I’m committed to and I better do those first and I’ll tell you about them as I do them. I have to get myself organized and not walk around with my head in the clouds. I must get down to some serious work and produce some things. Sure, and I don’t have the least amount of stage fright.

I’ve been sitting here for 45 minutes thinking about the things I have to do and coming up with ideas and my brain is working overtime. Of course, it’s not helping me finish write this post. I’ve got lots of possible ideas in the meantime and I have to bring them to fruition. I will start with the first thing first and that is to create a work of art and send it on to another artist in an art exchange scheme that I’ve become involved in. I will start on that immediately today and get that finished as soon as possible or my name is mud. Good, that resolution has been made. I will pick up the super sized envelope I need to send it in tomorrow.

I like decision making. If you take it one step at the time, it is not too bad. You have to break everything down in little chunks of activities and make them manageable and bite sized. And separate one project from the other. Do one, finish it, start on the next. Hey, I may make it far in the world of management.

And now I have to eat and walk my trusty four footer, not necessarily in that order. It depends on if he stays asleep for a while longer. He’s had his dinner and is digesting it now. I would like to do the same.

Have a good evening, everyone. Wish me luck on my project. I need inspiration.



  aims wrote @

>Ahh! I like where you are going with all of this. I see – action. And I know that is good. And – that is one beautiful picture you have selected for today. I'm a sucker for that kind of pic.

  Frances wrote @

>good – upbeat and keep busy. hugs

  Maggie May wrote @

>I love the picture you chose for today. It is typical of English countryside……… old world charm!Glad to see you getting on top of things again. 'nite, Nora ….. sleep tight X

  Friend of the Bear wrote @

>Hi Nora. I love that picture too! Glad you had such a good day getting things done and having so many ideas for future projects. The art exchange thing sounds interesting too. You have a lot of exciting possibilities! I have another award for you over on my blog. Yes! Another one! Only because I truly think you deserve it. Hope you have some good sleep tonight,Bearfriend xx

  Gail wrote @

>Hope your day was wonderful.

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