Archive for sleep

Adhering to the rules…

I’ve taken my afternoon nap late today and I’m still in the process of waking up from it properly. I’m sleepy headed even though I’m having a cup of coffee. I suppose it’s going to take more than one cup to get able minded. I don’t mind it too much as this is a pleasant state of mind to be in. There are no sharp edges and I feel as though my mind is stuck in a soft cloud. It’s nice to be not too alert and to be somewhat fuzzy minded. It takes the harshness off reality.

Not that my reality is all that harsh. On the contrary, it really isn’t. I just like things very softly outlined. I would always like to exist in a somewhat softened and mildly less aware state of mind. I would always like to be not so alert and acutely aware of everything. I’d like my level of built in stress to be a little bit lower.

I do deal with it well by allowing it to come to the surface only rarely and only for little periods of time. But I’m aware of the fact that I have the potential for it in me always. I’m not by nature a relaxed person. I’ve taught myself to be one. I have the attitude of one and seem to project it, but it’s all carefully tuned and kept in balance.

I’d like to take a ‘less aware pill,’  but one doesn’t exist. That’s probably why I have dreams sometimes about smoking hash and being very relaxed. My afternoon nap will have to suffice. It’s a very pleasant interlude in the day and it really helps me through it. It gets me over that difficult hump when I wouldn’t know how to get through the hard part of the afternoon.

I think sleeping is the kindest thing you can do for yourself. It’s such a healing act. It restores you and your mind and everything in you. It gives you new energy and a new outlook.


I just took the dog for a walk and when we came back to the apartment, he stood on his hind legs and looked through the living room window at the cat who was sitting on the dining table looking out. That was an interesting discovery. That was his cat sitting there. How unusual. The cat came to the front door to greet us when we came in. She was smart enough to figure out that it was us standing outside by the window.  Sometimes I think the cat is smarter than the dog. She just doesn’t let on.

I’ve got to watch the 8 o’clock news now.

Have a good evening.




I couldn’t think of a title for this post, that’s why I wrote down ‘uninspired.’ It’s not that I don’t know what to write about, so you mustn’t worry about that. If I was truly uninspired, I wouldn’t write anything at all. I would just skip the whole business like I have for the past couple of days.

I just took the dog for a walk around the fields and because the grass hasn’t been mowed in a while, there were lots of wildflowers growing. There is lots of white clover now because of the rain. There are also red poppies that are very pretty. Everywhere there is chamomile and tall yellow flowers that I don’t know the name of.  The daisies are all gone and so are the dandelions. The poppies also grow in the flowerbeds and I hope nobody gets it in their head to weed those. I like the poppies better than the bushes that are planted there.

Having no garden, I live vicariously through the wildflowers that grow in the fields. Especially after it has rained there are moments of discovery. I found one single plant that is a ground cover and has purple flowers. It’s very pretty and inconspicuous. It is my secret plant.

I’ve finally been able to make an appointment to get the dog’s fur trimmed. He won’t go in for another two weeks, that’s how busy the  woman who does it is. At least she remembered who he was and that he is always a lot of work. Not that he behaves badly, just that he has a lot of thick fur. I’m sure he’ll feel a lot better once it’s cut. He has a tendency to get too warm  now and finds a cool place to lie down after we’ve been for a walk in the sunshine. Luckily, it hasn’t been too hot lately.

We’re supposed to get some showers tomorrow and they will be more than welcome. But as usual, I’ll believe it when I see it. The days have been cloudy off and on. Except for that wonderful thunderstorm, there hasn’t been any more rain.

I took a nap this afternoon, but I’m sitting here yawning. I suppose I need something to eat. I better not have any coffee now. I do want to be able to go to sleep at a decent time tonight. There will be nothing interesting on television. No thrillers or anything like that. I wish I was in charge of programming.

I’m off. I have to eat dinner. I hope you all have a pleasant evening.



Early in the morning…

It’s early in the morning and the first birds are already singing even though it is not even dawn yet. It does sound very cheerful and promising and gives me lots of hope for the rest of the day. It’s not that I’m really ready to start the day yet. It is my plan to go back to bed for a while and sleep some more. It’s way too early for me to stay up and get the show on the road. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. I would walk around here like a lost waif.

I could do the dishes and change the bed and do the laundry, but I can do those things later in the day too, they don’t need to get done first thing in the morning. Especially not on a holiday. It is Ascension Day today, so it’s officially a day off. I plan to spend it mostly lazily with the odd chore thrown in. I do have to have something to show for my day. Besides, I’ve run out of soup bowls (I’ve only got five) so I do have to do the dishes. And the domestic help is going to be here tomorrow, so the kitchen needs to be cleaned up.

If I don’t get side tracked watching tennis at Roland Garros, it is my intention to sit in my armchair and read my thriller. I don’t make enough time for that now as it is. Getting around to reading seems to be the last thing I do. Every day it is my intention to do that, but every day it is something that falls by the wayside. It is not as if I have such a busy schedule, but the days seem to go by very quickly and are over before I know it.

Last night I watched an episode of Midsommer Murders and it was most amusing. Before it was on, I watched unimportant television that absolutely didn’t matter and was of a low entertainment value. I watched it just because it was on. That’s how lazy I was. If I don’t watch out, I’m going to turn into a vegetable. That’s why it is so important that I read and use some of my own imagination. It seems like that is too much of an effort.

It has been suggested that I reread a novel that I enjoyed a lot to get back into the habit of enjoying a good read. I may resort to that if all else fails. I have just the novel for it. That would be The Secret Scripture by Sebastian Barry. I did enjoy that one very much and wouldn’t mind reading it again. I may give that a try.

It is dawn now and the streetlights have gone off. The day has really officially started. I’m thinking about staying up for a while and taking my medicines and sitting in my armchair to read until I get tired. I’ve had two cups of coffee, but I’m all done with that and it’s time to switch to milk. Oh yes, I have to drink some orange juice too for the vitamins. It doesn’t agree with my stomach very much, but I’ll just drink a small glass of it. I do need to get my vitamin C.

I hope you’ll all have a good day with the kind of weather you want. I think we’re going to have a nice day. There should be lots of sunshine.





A truly bad cup of coffee…

I’m sitting here with a truly bad cup of coffee because I haven’t yet taken the time to make a fresh pot. I heated up what was left over in a cup in the microwave and it tastes like it too. You just can’t expect much from it except that it has caffeine in it. I will be good and make a proper pot of coffee next because it will be done in no time and it will taste a heck of a lot better than this stuff. Why didn’t I do that in the first place, right?

I haven’t slept much yet, but I was ready to get up. My warm and comfortable bed could not seduce me to stay in it longer. I was ready for some action. Gosh, that makes it sound like I’m going to have a wild night, while I’m not going to have anything of the sort. I’m just going to sit here and type this post and wait to get sleepy again. I’m not planning on having a wild party or anything. This will be no night of debauchery. I’m already yawning.

I very seldom (read never) have nights of debauchery. I’m much too well behaved. I probably don’t move in the right (wrong) social circles. I probably wouldn’t feel all that comfortable letting everything hang loose for one night and getting somewhat in my cups and acting with abandon. I would probably not feel very good about it the next day. I have a very well developed sense of propriety. It disallows foolishness. I don’t know if that’s wrong or right. It’s  just something I don’t do. I like to keep my head on straight.

That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to live in wealth and decadence. I think I could be most happy with that. I would truly like to be filthy rich and completely indulge myself. As long as I had someone to love who loved me equally well in return. It would be awfully lonely to be rich on my own. You need someone to be decadent with.

I’ve made my fresh pot of coffee and lovely it tastes too. At least I have that pleasure. I do have some small enjoyments in life, little as they are. But then it is said that you have to find your happiness in the little things. Well, I certainly get lots of opportunities for that. Excuse me if I sound like a little bit of a cynic now, but you get that way when you constantly have to figure out how to count your blessings.

Come to think of it, though. If I had to choose between a long and healthy life and 10,000 Euros a month for the rest of my life, I suppose I would choose the former. I thought I would go for the money, but that’s no good if you get sick and have a short and painful life.

I’m glad I got that settled.

The night is moving along slowly and it seems that the hands on the clock are crawling across the face. Normally time moves quicker. I must be stuck in a time warp. Everything has slowed down. I’ll have to stop drinking coffee, otherwise the night will really last long and I’ll never make it back to bed. It is my intention to sleep for a good long while yet because it is Sunday after all.

It will be a day of complete laziness and I hopefully won’t get out of bed until the late morning. All I have to do are my regular chores and walk the dog. I will undoubtedly find ways to amuse myself because I always do. I don’t as a rule get bored. There’s always the book I’m reading if I can find enough patience to pay attention to the plot. I must say that my mind is easily distracted nowadays from reading material. It only seems to want to clasp on to things for little periods of time. I have a 21st century mind.

I’m drinking a glass of milk now. That’s in preparation to going back to bed. Milk has a tendency to settle me down. It’s my magic elixir. I don’t know what I’d find harder to do without, coffee or milk. I think in the end I would prefer milk. Once I got off the caffeine.

I hope you’re all having a good night and that you’ll all have a good Sunday.



>Trying to go to sleep…


I’ve been on my way to bed now for a while, but I’m unsuccessful in getting there. I think I must not be properly sleepy yet, so I am foiled in my attempts. I even took my sleep medication, but it hasn’t worked one bit. I am wide awake. I am going to try again as soon as I’ve written this post because I do want to stick to some kind of normal schedule. I don’t want to upset the applecart. 
I slept late this morning and had a heck of a time getting out of bed. I finally got up because my knee was hurting me. I had to straighten out my leg and that was enough motivation to get up. It took me several cups of coffee to become lucid. All I did was sit in my armchair and drink coffee and smoke cigarettes while I waited to become a functioning human being.
Actually, it didn’t take all that long. I was one within half an hour, but I like to exaggerate. I also like to drag out the waking up moment as long as I can. I’d rather not do anything right away if I can help it. 
There does come a time when I can’t postpone it and I have to get dressed and walk the dog. I found some appropriate clothes to wear and set out with him in the noontime clouded sunshine. The clothes I wore were warm enough for the stiff wind that was blowing gray clouds across the sky and it looked like it was going to rain, but then it actually never did all day. 
The wind blew so hard that it almost ruined my hairdo, even though I had hair sprayed it. Later on in the afternoon, when I rode my bike to my sister’s house, I got very much out of breath from pedaling into it and even worse so on the way home. It felt like I was at the sea with a good storm blowing in my face. 
Luckily, in my sister’s garden we were somewhat sheltered, though it wasn’t as warm as it usually is and we couldn’t really sit out there with bare arms. We certainly didn’t get a tan because there were too many clouds covering the sun all the time. It would have been good if it had at least rained because the garden needed it, but not a drop fell from the heavens. 
I had two cappuccinos and a cold beer and a piece of chocolate with nuts in it. That’s about as decadent as I could get and it did fill me up. The beer was very refreshing and I drank it with a lot of taste. It always takes a while before I can eat dinner after that and I ended up eating my soup late and sharing it with the dog. I haven’t even had dessert yet, but I figured that I didn’t need it after that piece of chocolate. 
This morning I went on the bathroom scale and much to my surprise, I had lost another kilo. I wasn’t really expecting that and was thrilled about it. It motivates me to keep trying and to not grab something extra to eat when it’s not necessary. I don’t need to eat snacks really. I haven’t gotten more of those cheese crackers either and now just have the plain crackers again. They’re a lot healthier and less addictive. The cheese crackers were loaded with salt. 
Well, it’s time for me to try and go to sleep now. I will start the ritual all over again. I think I’m sleepy enough this time. I’m longing for bed anyway.
I hope you’ll all have a good night or that you’re still having a good Sunday. Mine was good enough. I’m not ready for it to be Monday. Blagh! 

>Without mentioning the obvious…


Right, where was I before I was so rudely interrupted by life? It feels like it’s been a long time since I was here, while it has only really been two days. So, that’s no time at all. You mustn’t think that I’ve got anything special to share either, because I don’t. There’s been no excitement here at all.
The only things I’ve got to report is that yesterday was Remembrance Day and today is Liberation Day, but neither of these days make hardly any impact on my life at all, except that I observed two minutes of silence yesterday evening while watching the memorial ceremony on television. That was my contribution to the activities.
You mustn’t think that I don’t care, because I do. It’s just that there’s been no opportunity for me to join in on any of the festivities that are organized around town. I’ve been keeping to myself and you certainly don’t seek out company when you keep to yourself. It’s part of my agoraphobia. It wouldn’t be so bad if I had someone to go with me. Maybe I have a social phobia. I was awfully shy when I was a kid. I hide it behind a lot of bravery now, but the shyness comes seeping out all over the place. I’m not at all a brave person, really.
My favorite thing to do in the afternoon is to take a nap. I wait for my medicines to start working and go to bed where I lie listening to the radio until I drift off for a few hours. I think it’s the best time of the day. Any time spent sleeping is. It’s the safest activity I can think of.  I wouldn’t mind being asleep more often. Of course, you do get done sleeping at a certain point. You’ve just done enough of it and aren’t tired anymore. That’s the sad part of that.
I don’t even like being awake in the middle of the night that much anymore. I’d rather be asleep, but I don’t manage that yet. I was up last night and tried to write a post, but I wasn’t able to do it. I wasn’t in the right frame of mind and deleted everything I did try to write. They were all futile attempts. I don’t think I have to be inspired every time I sit down to write. I think it’s okay if sometimes nothing comes of it. I don’t see it as a literary failure. 
I said I was rudely interrupted by life, but of course I’m not at all. Life doesn’t interrupt me in the least. The only movements that happen in my existence are the unexpected ebbs and flows that suddenly appear because of the fickleness of my moods. They interrupt me, life doesn’t at all. Life is a smooth pond in which now and then a ripple appears. It is something completely different from what happens in my psyche. 
I think I’ve written enough nonsense. It’s time for me to walk the dog. He’s sitting here looking longingly at me with his big brown eyes.
Have a good evening you all. 

>Don’t drop the preciousness…


It’s one of those middle of the night moments again when I feel at my top best and I think the world is my oyster. It is easy to think that, when all around me is silence and darkness and everybody is asleep. I am the mistress of my universe. I find myself in a void and I like being in this seemingly empty space where only I exist in the cozy circle of the dimly lit living room with only the animals asleep in it. It’s like being in a small spaceship. Our destiny is not earth. 
I’ve made myself a fresh pot of coffee and it involved opening a new package of coffee and emptying the contents in the glass containers which are tightly sealed afterwards to keep the coffee fresh. But the coffee from the freshly opened package always tastes best and the first pot is a joy to drink. If I get the proportions just right, there is nothing like that first cup of coffee and I savor it. It’s the little joys in life that bring happiness and I think I have to take advantage of every one of them. 
Another joy I have is wearing my woolly, oversized, gray cardigan. It keeps me warmer than my bathrobe and I like the way it feels against my skin. It is soft and warm and snuggly and on cold nights, with the bedroom window open, I sleep in it. One thing I love to be and that is warm in bed. I hate for any part of me to be exposed to the outside air, except for my head. My gray cardigan is my old trusty stand by for whenever I get cold. I put it on over my clothes when it gets too chilly in here. Because it’s so roomy, it always fits. 
The last three days the weather has been chilly and windy. It’s actually the normal weather for this time of the year and we were spoiled when it was so beautiful. But you sure very quickly get used to that and take that as the norm and want it to stay that way. Now it’s back to wearing double layers of clothing and wearing a jacket when I go out. I’m not much of a hero when it comes to being cold and I don’t like to suffer. I like being dressed as warm as I can. The subtropical Nora is alive and well inside of me and will never get used to colder temperatures. I curse the cold wind and it always seems to blow. 
Because I’ve dressed so warmly, I haven’t had to turn up the thermostat and have been able to keep the bedroom window open, which saves me energy costs and airs out the place. It doesn’t get real cold in here and in the afternoon, what sun there is heats up the living room through the windows. It makes a few degrees difference. That’s not as nice in the summertime when it’s hot, but I sure appreciate it now. The apartment traps the heat. 
I’ve got to figure out what sort of interesting clothes I’m going to wear today. A body does want some variety. I’ve got to do something interesting with my hair too. It’s at the perfect length to fiddle with, as long as I have the aid of some hairspray. It will be the usual fun to look in my closet to see what I will find there. There are always more possibilities than I can think of at the top of my head. As long as I keep my clothes organized, I will be able to find things, that’s the whole trick. 
Before I do anything, I need to get some more sleep. So I will take my medicines and head back to bed with a glass of warm milk. I have my most interesting dreams in the morning. We’ll see what I make of it this time. 
Have a good day.

>Conversations in the night…


I had gone to bed early and had been asleep a few hours when the dog woke me by very gently and quietly barking by the side of my bed. It was almost as if he was afraid to wake me up but had to do it anyway. It turned out that he had to go out back to do a piddle and when he was done, he wanted a milk bone as a reward. He got one of those because he had not had one that day. 
I got back in bed, but the dog decided to be cozy and got on the bed also and sat on my head. I moved him off, but he stuck as close as he could, making it hard to breathe. He wanted to be cuddled, but I was not exactly in the mood for that. I tried unsuccessfully to go back to sleep with that animal breathing down my neck and his fur tickling my face. I finally gave in and got up and now he’s sound asleep in the armchair, as innocent as the puppy he still is in many ways.
I wonder if he wanted me to get up because he’s so used to it. I’m supposed to guard over him while he soundly sleeps in the armchair and the cat sleeps on the sofa. It is sort of a ritual that we have developed. I may have taught him bad habits. The whole time that I’m up, he does nothing but sleep deeply and snore and I’m his guardian angel. I suppose he likes being in the living room better than the bedroom. There are better places to sleep. 
This was a short course in how to analyze your dog’s behavior. He’s now lying down by my feet and I can’t move for fear of stepping on him. I’ll have to wait for him to move again before I make any other radical plans tonight.
Of course, I don’t have any radical plans for tonight. I never do because I’m an obedient citizen and I never do anything wild and out of the ordinary. Besides, so much is legal here that I would really have to do something crazy to be really radical. I’ll most likely have a very quiet night sitting here having only adventures in my head and daydreaming about what I would do if I were completely at liberty and obviously, I don’t hang out with the right people. You do have to move in the right crowd, one that is equally minded. 
Sometimes cynicism seems to get the upper hand and I don’t know if I have any ideals left.  I think I may have a shortage of them, but it’s not good for a person to only be a cynic.  You can’t dismiss any kind of political and social movement because it tries to unify an idea and I’m not talking about populism, which is a very bad idea and a bandwagon I won’t get on. 
I hoped that there would be a bigger rise from the ranks of the female population in all levels of politics and industry and that this influence would change the course of decision making, but I don’t see it happening.  That’s still an ideology I want to believe in, but I’m not necessarily happy with the quality of women that are rising to the top. They only want to seem to prove the point that they are as tough as men are. Truly incompetent men, at least politically here in the Netherlands. I’m tired of men in gray suits with solid ties and their token female equivalents. 
Enough of that seriousness. It’s too heavy a subject so late in the night.  It needs more frivolity than that. 
I’m awfully short of frivolity, though, so I better stop writing. I’m getting a bit tired so it may be necessary to go to bed. I always say that and never do until the wee hours. I always feel compelled to stay up longer and get into more trouble. Tomorrow is Saturday, so it doesn’t matter what time I get up. 
Have a good night.

>Sleeping successfully…


Yesterday I cheated on my vegetarian diet and had a meatball for lunch. I had been craving something hearty like meat for quite a while now and I think it was my body’s way of telling me that I had a shortage in my diet.  I had not eaten meat for a long time and I didn’t know what was going to happen if I did. Was I going to be struck by lightening, for instance?
I didn’t know if my gastric band was going to be able to handle a whole meatball, albeit not such a big one, but I chewed it slowly and carefully and all went well and I felt very satisfied afterwards. The full feeling lasted all afternoon and my stomach was very happy. I guess that’s what I needed all along. 
For dinner I had half a bowl of chunky goulash soup and it was the first time that I tried that one. My personal helper had recommended it. It had big chunks of vegetables and mushrooms in it and I think I detected some meat in it as well. It was delicious anyway and I ate it with pleasure. I had a small bowl of chocolate pudding for dessert later and ate some crackers before I went to bed. For a change I had a really full stomach. 
Maybe that’s what made me sleep so well because I slept for 7 hours and for me that’s almost some sort of record. The longest I have slept so far is 9 hours, so this is getting close. It’s very tempting to tie my successful sleeping to my diet and I think I will. I will pretty much eat the same things today that I had yesterday and see if I can sleep as well again tonight. It’s worth the try. 
Oh, and I had lost a kilo when I went on the bathroom scale in the morning. You see what a difference it makes when you weigh yourself in the morning as opposed to when you do at night. In my case I lost 400 grams overnight just from sleeping. That’s a whole pound. 
It’s a normal time in the morning now when ordinary people are awake too. For a change I’m just like everybody else. I won’t know what to do with my time. Of course, there are the inevitable chores such as the dishes, but I have all day to do those. 
I suppose it would be a good opportunity to pick out a good outfit to wear. It’s going to be nice weather today and I’ll have to wear something appropriate. I have a dress in mind that I like very much, but there’s another one that I also like and I may give that one a try. It’s a toss up between the two. One is more casual than the other. I suppose I’ll have to pick the one I feel most comfortable in. 
Right, I have to get the show on the road. The dog needs to be taken for a walk. He doesn’t know that yet. He’s sound asleep. It will be a total surprise to him. 
Have a good day.

>The possibilities…


It’s impossible not to jealously guard the time I’m spending here behind the computer very early in the morning due to the failure of my sleep medication. What looked like bad luck, is turning out to be a pleasant time spent fooling around with the appearance of the blog designs. I don’t know if I’m done with them yet, but the first attempts are there. I don’t know if I have the patience to endlessly sit and change them, but I do know that I will go back to them often and make alterations as I get in the mood. Whenever I have some spare time, I will do that. 
I’m still not tired and have to find ways to fill the empty hours until it’s properly morning, although the time is passing by quickly. I suppose it’s true that it always does when you’re having fun. I’m easily amused. I really should have a whole bunch of blogs simply to have the opportunity to change their appearances. Just to mess around with them, because that’s my favorite thing to do. It’s like constantly changing the furniture in the living room around, which used to be my favorite activity. You just don’t get as worn out changing the appearance of your blogs.
I already wrote another blog post for Miss Daisy and god only knows how many more I will write until it’s morning. I’m on a roll now. I do have to keep myself occupied until the sun comes up and it’s time to walk Tyke. It does get lighter earlier every day, so it won’t take too long because we have not switched to Summer Time yet. I do look forward to setting the clock ahead one hour because it will be lighter longer in the evenings when you get to enjoy it most. I never did like setting the clocks back in wintertime and don’t see why we have to. Whoever came up with that bright idea? I’m totally opposed to it. 
It’s time to make a pot of coffee and to start the day to some extent. It’s my attempt to make the time hurry up. I’m impatient to get the show on the road. I want to do things and be engaged. It will be wonderful to be out in the chilly morning air. It’s still a bit cold out there and it’s not going to be all that warm today. As a matter of fact, we’re expecting a few showers, which I don’t mind really, although I’ve come to prefer the sunshine. The wind is coming from the north and will be a bit chilly. I may even have to wear a scarf this morning, which I’ve not had to for a while. 
At least it’s already Thursday today and the week is moving along at a steady pace. Before you know it, it will be weekend again and time for a breather. It’s not been an especially tough week, but I’ll be glad when it’s over. I haven’t really enjoyed the days very much and haven’t felt in such a great mood. I’ve been waiting for my anti-depressives to start working, but I think that they maybe have now. It’s sometimes hard to tell as my moods are not always easy to pin down and can be unpredictable and depend on how much sleep I’ve had. I’m sure I’ll have to take a nap today. I always seem to need a lot of sleep and I sure haven’t had any now. 
I hope you’ll all have a nice day.