Archive for the news

Adhering to the rules…

I’ve taken my afternoon nap late today and I’m still in the process of waking up from it properly. I’m sleepy headed even though I’m having a cup of coffee. I suppose it’s going to take more than one cup to get able minded. I don’t mind it too much as this is a pleasant state of mind to be in. There are no sharp edges and I feel as though my mind is stuck in a soft cloud. It’s nice to be not too alert and to be somewhat fuzzy minded. It takes the harshness off reality.

Not that my reality is all that harsh. On the contrary, it really isn’t. I just like things very softly outlined. I would always like to exist in a somewhat softened and mildly less aware state of mind. I would always like to be not so alert and acutely aware of everything. I’d like my level of built in stress to be a little bit lower.

I do deal with it well by allowing it to come to the surface only rarely and only for little periods of time. But I’m aware of the fact that I have the potential for it in me always. I’m not by nature a relaxed person. I’ve taught myself to be one. I have the attitude of one and seem to project it, but it’s all carefully tuned and kept in balance.

I’d like to take a ‘less aware pill,’  but one doesn’t exist. That’s probably why I have dreams sometimes about smoking hash and being very relaxed. My afternoon nap will have to suffice. It’s a very pleasant interlude in the day and it really helps me through it. It gets me over that difficult hump when I wouldn’t know how to get through the hard part of the afternoon.

I think sleeping is the kindest thing you can do for yourself. It’s such a healing act. It restores you and your mind and everything in you. It gives you new energy and a new outlook.


I just took the dog for a walk and when we came back to the apartment, he stood on his hind legs and looked through the living room window at the cat who was sitting on the dining table looking out. That was an interesting discovery. That was his cat sitting there. How unusual. The cat came to the front door to greet us when we came in. She was smart enough to figure out that it was us standing outside by the window.  Sometimes I think the cat is smarter than the dog. She just doesn’t let on.

I’ve got to watch the 8 o’clock news now.

Have a good evening.



>Just a short one.

I’m sitting here at the end of the evening in my pajamas and just wanted to get some last words in before I shut the computer off and turn on the television. Sometimes a person feels a compulsion to write down a few more words at the end of the day, whether they are important or not. It’s the push to have your final say as the day closes and you haven’t talked to anyone in a while, but you’ve just been communicating by email and comments. You feel that you haven’t said enough yet and that there are more words in you and that by putting them down in print you are also still connected to everybody else out there. Your blog family.

So, I am sitting here with a nice creamy mug of decaf senseo, which tastes very good freshly made and I mustn’t let it get cold, because that will spoil all the flavor that makes it so good. I’ve decided to stay away from the diet Coke at night after the experience I had with it last night. I’m going to be a smart girl tonight and get to bed at a decent time and sleep until I am naturally woken up. It is going to be Sunday after all and nobody in their right mind is going to be bothering me on Sunday, the sacred day. I’m so glad we still keep this day in honor as a special day, because I think people need a day on which they are not bothered by anything or anyone.

The grocery shopping went fine and I really did not need that many things for a change, so I was not completely laden down with groceries and my total was below 20 Euros. That never happens. The bike ride home went pretty smoothly and I never once was in fear of my life, except maybe once when I had to cross into my street and there was traffic heading my way and I had to time it just right without getting off the bike, which I hate to do, because it’s such a hassle to start back up again.

I was greeted by many happy animals who thought I came bearing many gifts, but I had to disappoint them. I only bought sensible food this time. Things I really needed and not an item more.

Then I went to my sister’s house and struggled wit the alarm like I knew I would and at first I couldn’t find the fish, because I thought they were upstairs in my nephew’s room, but they turned out to be downstairs in the living room. Then I had to struggle with the alarm again when I left and I hope the house is secure now. I’m really not sure.

I watched the news, which is now all about the Mexican flu and how some countries are over reacting and becoming quite paranoid. In Hong Kong, a whole hotel has been closed with all the guests inside until May the eighth, because some guests were running a temperature. Some guests have been quarantined in a hospital. We have one three year old with the flu who had been to Mexico with his parents.

Now I’m going to take my medicines and watch some TV and then go to bed. I feel like it has been an exhausting day, when in reality it hasn’t, it just feels that way and I need a good night’s sleep.

So, good night, you all. Have a good sleep yourself and have a terrific slow wake up in the morning.
