Archive for fruit juice

Clouds and sleep…

I had to get up early this morning because my personal helper was going to be here at 9 am. As a result, I am two hours ahead of my schedule in everything. I’m trying to slow myself down as much as possible in order for time to catch up with me again, but I’ve not been successful yet. I’m going to write this post as slowly as I can and maybe that will do the job.

I’ve already taken my afternoon nap and very pleasant it was too. It was necessary that I took it for having gotten up so early. I’m not used to that, being wakened by the alarm clock. It’s definitely not my preferred way of waking up. I had to sit in my armchair and have several cups of coffee before I could even think about facing anybody. I do need my quiet moments when I first get up.

I do allow the dog to sit on my lap. I don’t have to have any complicated conversations with him. All I have to do is pet him. He and the cat are the easiest company first thing in the morning. They don’t make many demands on me. They are just happy that I’m up and that I make sure there’s food in their bowls.  That’s not a very difficult task. And the cat wants her dish of milk and the dog wants fresh water. That’s easily done when I’m in the kitchen getting coffee.

We’re alternately having sun and then clouds in the way. When the sun comes out, the world is brilliant and much more cheerful. We didn’t get any rain out of all of those clouds today, but we may get some tonight. I haven’t needed to wear a jacket or a cardigan when I’ve walked the dog. The temperature is very pleasant, even though there’s a bit of a breeze. You can tell that the rain that we’ve had has done nature a lot of good. The grass in the fields is a lot greener and there are even mushrooms growing. I don’t know if they are edible. I’m not going to try and find out.

I’m having a tall glass of orange juice and the Exfactor was smart enough to get me the mild kind. That’s going to be much easier on my stomach because it’s less acid and tastes like it too. I really do prefer this kind. I don’t know how they make it less acid, but I appreciate it very much. I do have have to get my vitamin C in, after all, and I don’t know a better way. It’s very refreshing to drink.

Last night I had a craving for something hearty and luckily remembered that I still had some cheese in the refrigerator on the top shelf. It had been there for a long time, but it was still good. It had nothing fuzzy growing on it anyway. I ate as much as I could stand and was over my craving and I have enough left for future attacks. It’s wrapped up very well. It’s very nice when you discover the very food that you have a craving for in your refrigerator.

The dog wants to go for a walk so I have to end this epistle. He does seem to be in a hurry. He may just be bored, of course.

I hope you’re all having a nice day with good weather.







Early in the morning…

It’s early in the morning and the first birds are already singing even though it is not even dawn yet. It does sound very cheerful and promising and gives me lots of hope for the rest of the day. It’s not that I’m really ready to start the day yet. It is my plan to go back to bed for a while and sleep some more. It’s way too early for me to stay up and get the show on the road. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. I would walk around here like a lost waif.

I could do the dishes and change the bed and do the laundry, but I can do those things later in the day too, they don’t need to get done first thing in the morning. Especially not on a holiday. It is Ascension Day today, so it’s officially a day off. I plan to spend it mostly lazily with the odd chore thrown in. I do have to have something to show for my day. Besides, I’ve run out of soup bowls (I’ve only got five) so I do have to do the dishes. And the domestic help is going to be here tomorrow, so the kitchen needs to be cleaned up.

If I don’t get side tracked watching tennis at Roland Garros, it is my intention to sit in my armchair and read my thriller. I don’t make enough time for that now as it is. Getting around to reading seems to be the last thing I do. Every day it is my intention to do that, but every day it is something that falls by the wayside. It is not as if I have such a busy schedule, but the days seem to go by very quickly and are over before I know it.

Last night I watched an episode of Midsommer Murders and it was most amusing. Before it was on, I watched unimportant television that absolutely didn’t matter and was of a low entertainment value. I watched it just because it was on. That’s how lazy I was. If I don’t watch out, I’m going to turn into a vegetable. That’s why it is so important that I read and use some of my own imagination. It seems like that is too much of an effort.

It has been suggested that I reread a novel that I enjoyed a lot to get back into the habit of enjoying a good read. I may resort to that if all else fails. I have just the novel for it. That would be The Secret Scripture by Sebastian Barry. I did enjoy that one very much and wouldn’t mind reading it again. I may give that a try.

It is dawn now and the streetlights have gone off. The day has really officially started. I’m thinking about staying up for a while and taking my medicines and sitting in my armchair to read until I get tired. I’ve had two cups of coffee, but I’m all done with that and it’s time to switch to milk. Oh yes, I have to drink some orange juice too for the vitamins. It doesn’t agree with my stomach very much, but I’ll just drink a small glass of it. I do need to get my vitamin C.

I hope you’ll all have a good day with the kind of weather you want. I think we’re going to have a nice day. There should be lots of sunshine.





>More coffee, please!


I’m brewing a pot of coffee and I have to be patient for just a little while. It will be done in the shortest amount of time. That’s the drawback of having an ordinary coffeemaker, that you do have to wait, even if it really isn’t for such a long time, but I am a modern human being and I want instant gratification. It’s as simple as that. Even I at my age am a product of this era and I want everything available instantly.
That makes me sound like an impatient person and I’m really not. I can have infinite amounts of patience and wait endlessly for some things, but when it comes to the little comforts in life, I guess I’m not patient at all.
In the meantime, I have my cup of coffee and I can get on with things. I don’t want to get bogged down in a treatise about patience and the virtue thereof and the benefits for those who wait. Much has been written about it already. You sure don’t need my two cents worth on it. 
I’ve slept well, but I don’t know if I’ve slept long enough. I had some trouble falling asleep last night and I got up after lying in bed feeling very bored and trimmed the hair around Tyke’s eyes so he would be able to see better. I imagined that he was very grateful for that and as a result he wanted lots of cuddles and petting, so I laid in bed and provided that for half an hour.
My stomach was upset because of the fruit juice that I had just before I went to bed and I was forced to drink a glass of milk to settle it. That did help. I listened to an interesting political discussion on the radio and slowly drifted off to sleep. I won’t get into the long, drawn out subject of the political discussion. A not so popular solution was found to solve a problem that could have ended the majority rule of the government. The opposition is digging in. Swords are being sharpened. There will be a debate. It will lead to nothing. 
That’s not such an upbeat subject to blog about. Let’s change it to something else. 
Contrary to what I thought, I don’t have any appointments today, so today is a day off. I will do laundry and take a shower and wash my hair and generally try to stay out of trouble. I think I will go back to bed in a while and sleep some more. I have the feeling that I’m not quite done yet. I always do get sleepy after I’ve taken my morning medication anyway, which I just did. 
I can’t drink another sip of coffee, I’m so full. My gastric band must have shifted, because lately I’ve been getting that feeling quickly. Or maybe I just don’t handle coffee as well as I used to. I’ll switch to milk and see if that makes any difference.
This is turning into a boring account of nothing special at all, so I’m going to end it now and go back to bed. 
Have a good morning!

>Trying for inspiration in the early morning!


I’ve had my first cup of coffee and the cobwebs of sleep are removed from my mind. I will have my second cup next, after I first take my medicines, because I almost forgot about them. So, I quickly took them and poured my second cup of coffee and now I’m ready to try and write something interesting and inspiring. 

I think my last post was especially dull, but it was written when I was exceptionally tired and not really in the right frame of mind to write a post. I went to bed immediately afterwards and was sound asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. As a matter of fact, I was dozing off while I was still sitting behind the computer, so that shows you what a silly woman I can be. You shouldn’t blog when you are half asleep and pretending you’re not. Nothing good will come of it. I am such a stubborn woman sometimes, that I think I can’t end the day unless I’ve written a post. The fact that I may not have anything to say doesn’t enter into the equation.

So now is the morning of a busy day, but it is still early and I don’t feel rushed yet. I will get excited in about two hours when time will start to press. I must shower and wash my hair again, because it is flattened against my head on one side and I look like I’ve been slapped upside the head and I’m completely crooked. I must make an appointment with my hairdresser and get my hair cut on the sides and in the back. Not on the top, it is the perfect length there. I’m moving away from punky hair and going for a little bit more sedate look, but one I can still make look unruly and mess around with if I want. 

At least I know which clothes I’m wearing today and because It’s going to be a cool day, I’ll be wearing my cowboy boots. I’ve not worn them in a long time and it will be fun to put them on again and step around like a tough broad. Not that I especially feel like one. I haven’t got that attitude about me at all. I feel more like a kindly earth mother who is all goodness and graciousness and wouldn’t harm a fly. The tranquilizers make me much too mellow to be a broad with an attitude and kick ass boots. Come to think of it, maybe I should wear different boots, so nobody gets the wrong impression. Do you think it will matter or will the benign look on my face speak words? 

I’ve stopped drinking coffee and am drinking cold orange juice now. It’s a special brand that’s supposed to be very good and I must say that it tastes better than what I usually get. I could easily drink three or four glasses of it. I got it from my sister who had too much of it and an overloaded refrigerator. I’m buying this brand from now on, because I like it a lot better. See how easily I can be persuaded to switch brands? Just put something better in front of me, that’s all it takes. I don’t care about the price. It’s the taste that matters. I had been drinking my juice rather reluctantly and hardly at all lately. It languished in the refrigerator and only when I almost ran out of milk did I drink it. I thought I just didn’t like juice very much.

Well, I must get going. It’s that time of the morning. I’m not looking forward to the shower, because it is cold in here and the windows are still open. Still, I must be brave and do it. Then I have to go and walk Tyke before it starts to rain. 

Have a good morning!





It’s early in the morning and I’m pretending to be awake. I think I am awake, but I’m still drinking my first cup of coffee, so anything is possible. I will know more in half an hour when the caffeine has done its work. In the meantime, I sit here and smoke my cigarettes and blearily look at the keyboard and pick out the right keys to type. Every once in a while I yawn and think I will go back to bed, but I know it would be an exercise in futility. Once I’m up, there’s no stopping me and I won’t be able to go back to sleep, because I will be too excited about what the day will bring.

So coffee it is and several cups of it. Nice and strong. The kind that puts curl in your hair. Ha ha, if that were true, I would have very curly hair by now. I have no such luck and have to get any curls I want from a curling iron. I do have one of those, but up to now my hair has been too short to use it. I’ve tried it and all it does is put a kink in my hair. I’m to dignified to walk around with kinky hair. I’ll have to let my hair grow longer just a bit. I just may do that.

I have to get dressed on time in case those men come to pick up the sofa and the carpet early to take to the dump. It will be a relief to have them gone, because they are standing in the hallway where I usually park my bike, and they are in the way. That sofa is standing on end in the corner and even Gandhi is not climbing to the top anymore. She did that at first, but the trick has gotten old, just as she never uses her scratch poles anymore, but prefers to use various pieces of furniture, rotating between the ones that are her favorites.

It’s going to be one heck of a busy day with people coming and going and me having to go to the post office and the pharmacy at the end of it. I have to pick up some medicines and my nicotine patches, because I’m working on my last pack of tobacco and I’m not sure when I’m going to run out of it. Any day now I could be an ex-smoker. You will all have to bear with me as I go through the throes of cigarette withdrawal. I’ll know not what to do with my hands. I better get something to fiddle with. Some rubber bands maybe or paper clips that I can bend out of shape.

Instead of waiting for my sister to take me to Ikea, I’ve ordered an area rug on line and I just discovered that it is going to be here this afternoon. I hope they get here on time, because I do have to go out at the end of it. It is nice that it is arriving today, though, as I can put it in place and it will be a spot for Tyke to lie down on. He has been sleeping in the armchairs, but he prefers to be on the floor. Usually the delivery person gets here around 3 pm, so I hope that counts for today as well. I will be home, because that’s when the Exfactor will be putting together the coffee table. I can’t wait to see what it will look like. I do know that it will be heavy, as the flat pack weighs a lot.

I have to get dressed and get the show on the road. It will be the beginning of a long day and I must be ready for it. I’ve had enough coffee to wind up a cuckoo clock. I think I will switch to fruit juice now.

Have a great day!


>With a cup of coffee…

>I’ve done some more searching for Tyke’s photographs, but I’m still not able to find them. I can’t take a new one of him now, because it is dark and I don’t want to use the flash because it gives him red eyes. I’ll take some later today when there’s enough daylight in the apartment. Besides, he is sound asleep on the sofa and I don’t want to disturb his beauty sleep.

He’s truly beautiful and I’m in love with him. I still can’t take my eyes off him, although I’m used to how he looks now. Imagine being enamored with your own dog. It’s such a pleasure that I truly enjoy. I’ve never had a boyfriend as nice.

I can cuddle Tyke all day long and not get enough of it. He doesn’t wear me out like people do. He’s like having a little kid. They’re the best kind of people to have around, especially if they are your own. I guess Tyke is just like my child and he allows me to feel unadulterated feelings of love and he gives them in return too. People really do get attached to their pets.

I take pain medication every 6 hours or so. Sometimes I don’t wait quite that long and I’m forced to take it sooner. It does help and takes away the worst of the pain and that is a great relief. It makes the difference between being comfortable enough or not. The worst of the pain is in the top half of my back where I have a mild form of scoliosis. It spreads to my shoulders and is very exhausting.

I try to remember to sit up as straight as possible when I sit behind the computer and to not slouch. I push my back against the back of the chair and sit with both buns firmly planted in the seat. Subconsciously, you take on a different position, probably to get more comfortable, although in the long run that doesn’t work out. I have keep returning to the proper way to sit and realign my body. It really helps if I keep my hips straight under my spine and line everything up, including my shoulders and my head.

It’s starting to be morning. I have been up a good deal of the night. The rain that was promised yesterday and last night never materialized. We did have lots of clouds move in, but nothing came of it. It’s going to be cloudy again today, but no rain is forecast. It’s supposed to be a cooler day today, but they said that yesterday too and it was warm enough and humid.

Despite my backache, I’m going to take Tyke for a walk in a while in the coolness of the early morning air. The day is best at dawn. His Majesty does need his outing and I can stand the fresh air too. It will be nice after sitting here all this time behind the computer screen, smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee. First I’m going to have a tall glass of milk to quench my thirst and do something healthy. When I come back I’ll have a tall glass of multi vitamin juice. It’s the simple things in life that you have to reward yourself with.

Have a good day.



>Later in the evening…


I just woke up from a two and a half hour nap on the sofa. There’s no doubt about it that I needed it very much, because I was wound up as tight as a spring and not at all in my normal relaxed frame of mind. Needless to say, this was due to my lack of sleep, although that really had not dawned on me so much, until I woke up again and noticed the difference. I had not realized how much the shortage of sleep had influenced my mood.

I’m going to sit here for a while before I go to bed and relax and write this post. I’m not quite ready to go back to sleep yet. First I need to let my brain do some work and have it engaged in some intellectual activity, although it will not fly too high. Imagine that, an intelligent post at this time of the evening. I don’t think I have it in me. I’m lucky if I can type and put two or three words together, let alone whole sentences and have them make sense. Well, I’m doing my best anyway.

It seems like this day has lasted for ever and I suppose it has in a way, because those few hours of sleep this morning didn’t amount to much. That was just a cat nap, really, just like this evening. If you look at it that way, I have been up for a long time. I don’t want to repeat that performance. It’s extremely exhausting and nerve wrecking.

I’ve had two glasses of berry juice and they were good, but now I’m burping. It’s most unladylike and it”s a good thing that I’m here on my own, because I’m not fit for polite company. It’s wonderful to drink cold juice, though, and I guzzle the contents of the glass down in a hurry. That’s how thirsty I get. It’s time to switch to cold milk now, otherwise the juice will be gone in no time and I do have plenty of milk.

Tomorrow I have an appointment with my SPN, but it isn’t until in the afternoon, so I can sleep late if I want to. I want to, I just want my body to co-operate. I’m yawning now and I just took my sleeping pill and my tranquilizers, so they should start to work pretty soon and then I’m off to bed.

Have a nice might all of you, or a nice day, whichever comes first.




I want to stop being in this drama now. I realize I created it myself, but I did not do it on purpose; it was not my choice. I want it to end and for things to get back to normal, as far as that is possible in my life. I’m aware of the fact that I will never know a “normal” life by regular standards, but I can act as close to it as possible. Or at least try to. I have to give myself a chance to get back on the rails and that includes not rehashing everything every time I turn around. I am wounded, but I’m still alive and I need the opportunity to carry on with things. So, I’m going to ignore emails now that deal with this past weekend and not answer them anymore, because it’s just like raking up the coals and starting the fire all over again and very exhausting.

I also want to point out that I have two diagnoses: manic depression and borderline personality disorder, and sometimes it’s hard to tell where one ends and the other one begins. Sometimes I don’t know if I’m undergoing the rapid cycling of the manic depression or the quick mood changes that belong to the borderline personality disorder. The latter has a lot of drama in her and an overdose of emotions that comes pouring out of her as if her whole house is being flooded. That person is very unstable and things are not good when she has the upper hand. I think she had the upper hand this weekend. That’s also the person who self damages as I did this weekend. I cut my wrists, but the knife was dull and I did limited damage.

I talked to my psychiatrist yesterday over the phone. He had gotten the report of the crisis hot line and knew what had happened, but had me tell it in my own words anyway. He agreed on the increase in medication, but said it would take a few days before I would really notice a difference. That’s what I thought too. It wouldn’t be so that I would take one pill extra and that would be it. He made an appointment to see me next week Monday and I thought that was an awfully long time from now, but I guess it can’t be helped. I’m seeing my SPN the day after, because she will be back from her holiday by then.

This is the only time I’m going to talk about the weekend anymore and the aftermath. I went to my GP in the afternoon to have my wrists looked at and they were disinfected and had some strips put on them and they were re-bandaged. They have to stay that way for a week. They are sore.

It’s early in the morning and I’m drinking my second cup of coffee. I’ve had one glass of juice, because despite the fact that I think it makes me sad, I want to get my vitamins in. It’s the fresh multivitamin fruit juice that I like so much. The coffee tastes awfully strong this morning. It packs a real punch. I think that’s one of the reasons I’m only going to have two cups.

I’m sitting here yawning and I’m really ready to go back to sleep. I will in awhile, after I’ve taken my medicines. I’m reading a good book called The Stone Diaries by Carol Shields. I’ve only just started it and I’m already hooked. She has such an engaging way of writing. That’s what I’ll read this morning before I fall asleep again.

Right, off I go. Have a good morning when you get up.




>Two cups of coffee…

I was so exhausted yesterday evening. I sat here behind the computer and almost toppled over from tiredness. I tried to resist it, but ended up going to bed before it was 7 o’clock, I think. It was early, anyway. I had clean sheets on my bed, so it was wonderful to get in it, and I fell asleep almost instantly.

I left the bedroom door open, because I’ve found out that Tyke pretty much stays there anyway for most of the night and doesn’t get into trouble in the rest of the apartment. He’s right beside the bed when I wake up. That’s good, because I prefer sleeping with the door open. I don’t like to be in a room with the door closed.

I’ve got a bit of claustrophobia that I’ve learned to live with really well and I do see the need for closed doors. I mean, there are circumstances under which a door needs to be closed, but all the doors in the apartment are open and I even go to the bathroom with the door open so all the animals can go with me.

I woke up very early in the morning and had a glass of milk first for the thirst, but then realized that I really did need that cup of coffee to function well and get the last bit of sleep out of my mind. It did its job and I soon performed up to par, so a cup of coffee does have its uses. Then I took a long time deciding if I was going to have a second cup and finally decided that I would, but this will be my last one, because I’m more than fully awake now.

I remembered to get on the scale this morning and I have lost 3.5 kg since I have been on the new medication. So. if I want to get to the weight that’s supposed to be perfect for me and my age, and that is reasonable, I have to lose 14 kg. I think that will happen automatically without me worrying about it. I’m not making any effort now and I’m not obsessed by it. I will remember to get on the scale every now and then and keep track of how I’m doing. I’m not going hungry, but have lost my appetite for food and am easily satisfied. The Nutella is taking care of my craving for something sweet to eat and it’s nutritious too.

Drinking fruit juice makes me sad. I’ve had that suspicion for a while, but now I am sure of it. It seems like a strange theory, but it’s true and I’m not going to drink it anymore, because I had clear proof of it yesterday. I drank a glass of it after I hadn’t had it for a few days and was sad for a few hours afterwards. I didn’t know how to undo it, but wait it out. It finally passed after I had something to eat and took my medicines. People can have an intolerance for food, but I wonder if that can also affect them emotionally. I have a feeling it can. I think wine makes me sad too.

I think it’s because I feel so good now most of the time, that I notice it very quickly if I don’t and can find the cause and effect quickly too. I think a lot of times emotions are nothing more than the chemical reactions that take place in your body and mind. Shortages and overdoses happen and your feelings are a result of that. Why else do we have alcoholic beverages and foods that are pleasurable and nicotine and drugs? We have pleasure centers in our brains with chemicals that make us feel good. If you have a shortage there, you’re not going to feel so good and you’ll eat a chocolate bar to feel better, or have a drink, or sniff cocaine or any number of things. In my case, some of those things make me feel bad. They have an adverse effect.

This morning, very early, I heard all the birds sing as they woke up. I could hear them clearly, because all the windows are open at the top and that really does make a difference. It’s a shame that their chirping doesn’t last longer, because it’s so cheerful and I would love to live in a wood and hear all the birds wake up. I can’t identify any bird by sound, except the mockingbird, and he doesn’t live in this country. We used to have one in our front garden in Costa Mesa and I always liked listening to him.

I’ve taken my medicines a while ago and high time it was too, though I may be reacting to that second cup of coffee. Maybe I shouldn’t have had it, not being used to so much caffeine now. It makes you jittery. It’s much better to just stick to the one cup. These are lessons you learn as you go along. You realize what sort of junk you put in your body and how unnecessary that is. More is not better. If one cup works well, than two cups don’t work better.

It’s cloudy and 12C outside. It’s only going to be 13C today, not as nice as yesterday, but still in the double digits. We must remain optimistic and I have the windows open and the heater turned off after all. Oh, I just looked at the 10 day forecast and it doesn’t look very good at all. I will be closing the windows again and turning on the heater. Darn, that’s a shame. March is not very willing. We’ll have to wait until April for the good weather.

I’m going to take Tyke for a walk. He doesn’t know that yet and is sound asleep here by my feet. He’s already had his breakfast and is now digesting it.

Have a great day!


>In the early morning.

I wemt to bed on time last night, because I was sleepy early, and for a change I am up early also and completely done sleeping. I double checked to make sure, but I really was and felt comfortable enough to get up. I´ve had one cup of coffee, but that´s all the caffeine I need for now and I´m drinking a glass of cold milk now. I think the new medication makes me thirsty, because I´m constantly in need of something cold to drink, and no, it can´t be water. I´ll never forget the insult of my first mother in law when she finally came to our apartment for a visit and said she could only stay for twenty minutes and that all she wanted to drink was a glass of water. Really! By European conventions that is a very bad thing to do.

Well, that´s pulling old cows out of the ditch, as they say, and we won´t do that.

So, I´m wide awake and now it turns out that I can go grocery shopping this morning with my sister after all, so I have to call her at 8 o´clock and let her know. She´ll be pleased to hear it, because we had planned to go at 4 this afternoon when it will be crowded. This also gives me the opportunity to clean the refrigerator before the domestic help gets here this afteroon. I think that´s the least I can do. I don´t want the poor woman to think that her task is hopeless.

I have to make a shopping list of what I have to get, though it´s not that much, at least not a great variety of things. Very much milk and catfood and rawhide sticks for the dog and coffee pads and Nutella! Some other things I´m not thinking of right now, but hopefully will soon.

I´ve lost 2.8 kilos in the past week. That´s good because I had gained 15 kilos this past year or so. It was due to the increase in my antipsychotics. It made me eat more and gain weight. I think they just make you gain weight period. This Welbutrin that I´m on now suppresses your appetite, so you lose weight. That´s better than the Effexor that made me gain weight. My mood stabilizer also makes me lose weight, but that effect had become undone by the effects of the other medicines.

I tried to eat my regular bowl of porridge the other day, but I ate it without the usual good appetite and I haven´t had any since. I have no desire to eat it and that´s saying a lot. I just eat bits and pices of things now and I drink a lot of milk. I´ve even finished the fruit juice and will buy a new container today because I think I need the vitamins even though it makes my ear and head itch where my eczema is.

Oh, I see it´s time to take my medicines. I wasn´t paying attention, so wrapped up was I in writing this post. I also have to get dressed and walk the dog.

Hav a good day, you all. I hope the weather is good for you. It´s supposed to be 7C here and we may have some light rain. Whoopie!
