Archive for wild nights

A truly bad cup of coffee…

I’m sitting here with a truly bad cup of coffee because I haven’t yet taken the time to make a fresh pot. I heated up what was left over in a cup in the microwave and it tastes like it too. You just can’t expect much from it except that it has caffeine in it. I will be good and make a proper pot of coffee next because it will be done in no time and it will taste a heck of a lot better than this stuff. Why didn’t I do that in the first place, right?

I haven’t slept much yet, but I was ready to get up. My warm and comfortable bed could not seduce me to stay in it longer. I was ready for some action. Gosh, that makes it sound like I’m going to have a wild night, while I’m not going to have anything of the sort. I’m just going to sit here and type this post and wait to get sleepy again. I’m not planning on having a wild party or anything. This will be no night of debauchery. I’m already yawning.

I very seldom (read never) have nights of debauchery. I’m much too well behaved. I probably don’t move in the right (wrong) social circles. I probably wouldn’t feel all that comfortable letting everything hang loose for one night and getting somewhat in my cups and acting with abandon. I would probably not feel very good about it the next day. I have a very well developed sense of propriety. It disallows foolishness. I don’t know if that’s wrong or right. It’s  just something I don’t do. I like to keep my head on straight.

That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to live in wealth and decadence. I think I could be most happy with that. I would truly like to be filthy rich and completely indulge myself. As long as I had someone to love who loved me equally well in return. It would be awfully lonely to be rich on my own. You need someone to be decadent with.

I’ve made my fresh pot of coffee and lovely it tastes too. At least I have that pleasure. I do have some small enjoyments in life, little as they are. But then it is said that you have to find your happiness in the little things. Well, I certainly get lots of opportunities for that. Excuse me if I sound like a little bit of a cynic now, but you get that way when you constantly have to figure out how to count your blessings.

Come to think of it, though. If I had to choose between a long and healthy life and 10,000 Euros a month for the rest of my life, I suppose I would choose the former. I thought I would go for the money, but that’s no good if you get sick and have a short and painful life.

I’m glad I got that settled.

The night is moving along slowly and it seems that the hands on the clock are crawling across the face. Normally time moves quicker. I must be stuck in a time warp. Everything has slowed down. I’ll have to stop drinking coffee, otherwise the night will really last long and I’ll never make it back to bed. It is my intention to sleep for a good long while yet because it is Sunday after all.

It will be a day of complete laziness and I hopefully won’t get out of bed until the late morning. All I have to do are my regular chores and walk the dog. I will undoubtedly find ways to amuse myself because I always do. I don’t as a rule get bored. There’s always the book I’m reading if I can find enough patience to pay attention to the plot. I must say that my mind is easily distracted nowadays from reading material. It only seems to want to clasp on to things for little periods of time. I have a 21st century mind.

I’m drinking a glass of milk now. That’s in preparation to going back to bed. Milk has a tendency to settle me down. It’s my magic elixir. I don’t know what I’d find harder to do without, coffee or milk. I think in the end I would prefer milk. Once I got off the caffeine.

I hope you’re all having a good night and that you’ll all have a good Sunday.

