In the magic zone…

I was smart tonight and made myself a proper pot of coffee right away instead of messing around with the heated up stuff. I knew I was going to like a freshly brewed cup of coffee ever so much better, so that’s what I’ve got. I was patient enough to wait the extra few minutes for it and to put in the little bit of work to make it. The reward speaks for itself. I’m drinking it now and it tastes very good. It’ beats what comes from the microwave by far. I doubt I’ll make that mistake again. I poured the old coffee down the drain where it belonged.

It goes to show you that you can teach old dogs new tricks. I’m never too old to learn, especially when it comes to matters of good taste. I don’t have to be so niggardly that I have to reheat old coffee, no matter how convenient it is. A person does have to draw the line somewhere. I guess that’s where I draw the line. I must always consider myself worthy of a freshly brewed cup of coffee, unless we end up in the crisis years and we are not there yet. Though if it were up to my government, we shortly would be.

I’m sitting here in the middle of the night after I’ve already slept a couple of hours. It is always my intention to sleep through the night, but I know I will never make it. I always have to go to the toilet and let the dog out back. Those are always good enough reasons for me to stay up and turn on the computer for a few hours. It’s a habit that is hard to break and it has rusted into place.

I’m not going to claim that I do my best thinking at night anymore because I don’t think it is true. I think I do as well during the day after I’ve woken up from my afternoon nap. Some sleep beforehand seems to be involved, though.

I pumped up the flat tire of my bicycle the other day and rode it to the tobacconist, but it was obvious that it was not okay. There was a bump in it and the bike rode funnily. I made it over there and back, but by the next day the tire was completely flat again. There’s obviously something in the tire. A piece off glass or something.

The Exfactor is coming over today to do the groceries and fix the tire. He knows how to do such things. He is very handy with them. As a well established Dutch woman, I should know how to do this myself, but so far I’m unable to and unwilling to learn. I would rather go to the bike repair shop than fix a tire. I would get completely frustrated. Mostly I just have to avoid sharp things that lie on the road. Or get indestructible tires. I don’t need my bike this week, so I’m in no real hurry to get it fixed, but the Exfactor does it quickly. He’s a real pro at it.

I have no appointments all week and I’m happy for it. It’s going to be a bit of a vacation week. I will have lots of time to arrange my life as I see fit and do things the way I like them according to my own schedule. That’s such a relief. I like being in charge of my own time. I will not waste it and get my chores done, but I will do them in my own sweet time.

There’s no pressure if I don’t have to be somewhere at a certain time on a certain day. Appointments have a tendency to loom big on the horizon and mess up my day. I prefer not having any at all, even though they are a bit of an outing. I suppose if I were hardly ever to have any, I would appreciate them more. Sometimes, only having to go out to walk the dog is more than enough.That is still enough reason to get dressed properly.

Yesterday was by exception a very nice day. We had sunshine and the temperature was 26C. Today it is going to be cloudy and cold and I will have to dress accordingly. Yesterday I was skimpily dressed with bare arms. I do have a bit of a tan with freckles. Little by little you pick up some color just from being outside. My legs, though, are as white as ever. They don’t match the rest of me. Today it is only going to be 16C, so that is quite a difference. Rain is predicted, but as usual we will probably not see any.We’re dealing with a drought situation.

Last night a single bird sang very cheerfully after 10 o’clock. It was as if he wanted to say goodnight. That’s’ when it had properly gotten dark. I fell asleep shortly after that.

I hope you’re all having a good night. For those of you still up, have a good evening.










  Bernie wrote @

Okay now I have both blogs under my favorites. I understand how you feel about having your time to yourself, I love those kind of days although I have far too many during the winter months. The summer months are quite busy and I always have something going on, Nothing important but I do enjoy being outside in the sunshine.
Sending big hugs…..:-)

  twain12 wrote @

we are finally getting some nice weather too. I haven’t fixed a bike in ages , but did know how to do it as a child when the bike was our main transportation. My big excitement will be mowing some of the lawn later, besides that not much going on . Have a good day ♥

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