Archive for cards

>All done with that!

I’ve managed to do every chore that I had left undone so far, except for changing the bed and that will have to wait until tomorrow. There were actually more things to do than I thought there were initially. I looked up in the bathroom and discovered spider rag. I don’t understand why I always have so much spider rag in this apartment. There must be numerous spiders hanging out here, but I don’t see that many of them. They must be hiding in all the nooks and crannies. Maybe I just need to look up more often and I’ll see them. I have a special spider rag brush on a stick to remove them, but I’d rather do it with the vacuum cleaner. The more you walk around looking for them, the more of them you spot and it becomes like a sport: spider rag spotting. I could probably make a weekly hobby out of it.

I’ve walked the dog twice now and I have still forgotten to mail those Christmas cards that are laying right on the dining table so I won’t forget them. Three times is a charm. I hope the dog needs to go out again soon and that I’ll remember them.

I keep thinking there are things I need to do that I have forgotten and I will walk around the apartment shortly and check everything to make sure all is really done. Well, the windows aren’t washed, but I was not planning on doing those. Oh, I know what I forgot to do. I wanted to wipe clean the inside of the refrigerator. That will be a job I can do tonight or tomorrow morning, I’ll have to see which way the wind blows. Of course. I’ll probably want to go back to bed tomorrow morning, so I may not want to postpone it. It’s 5 minutes worth of work. It just seems like a hassle, because you have to move everything out of the way. I can spritz it clean in no time, though. Housework is not ever really done, is it? If you really want it clean, you never, ever finish. It’s one way to give meaning to your life.

I hear all sorts of noises coming from the junk room. I think there’s a cat there getting into all sorts of things. Boxes and such. They regularly try to rearrange everything on the bookshelves. I’m subconsciously always waiting to hear a crash and sometimes I do. I’m always afraid to go find out what it is they’ve managed to throw on the floor. I always hope it’s nothing delicate, but they are all the Exfactor’s things and I don’t know what is in half of those boxes, except for the model airplanes and I think those have already taken a beating. He must come and get those things if they are valuable, however. I can’t guarantee their safety.

The dog is looking at me with mournful eyes. He doesn’t want to go out, but he wants to be petted and have a bone. So I’ve petted him and given him a bone. I hope that makes him happy for now. The cat has exited the junk room and all is safe there once again, so I can breathe a sigh of relief. I can’t close the door there, because that’s where the cat door to go outside is.

I still can’t figure out why I could not screw in that light bulb the other day. It was an energy saving light bulb and it had a normal fitting just like any other light bulb, but I couldn’t get it to go in. I’m going to try it again in a while, although I managed to get another light bulb in there, but I’m not sure if that’s an energy saving one. I was so confused that day. It bothers me to no end if I can’t do something that ought not to be impossible. When logic tells you it should just happen. So I’m going to mess around with that light bulb until it fits, without actually electrocuting myself.

Oh, and see, I’ve survived Second Christmas Day without any problems. That’s because I acted like it was no holiday at all. Of course, the stores were closed, but I had no need to go there, and there was no mail delivery, but that means no bills either, although it would have been nice to receive some Christmas cards. I’ll expect all of them on Monday then.

Actually, for as little as I’ve done, the holidays haven’t been bad so far. They weren’t the gloomy days I was expecting them to be. It had to do with the weather too. It would have been worse if there had been a lot of snow, but today we had sunshine all day long and relatively mild temperatures. Yesterday we had rain showers, but I don’t mind the rain if I don’t have to go out in it, and it got rid of the slippery, slushy snow, except for one big snowball that was supposed to have been part of a snowman that never got completed and took a long time to melt. The dog peed on it every time we passed it.

Speaking of dogs, he is sound asleep and seems to have settled in for the evening. He is very busy snoring. Doubtlessly he will want to go out one more time, but maybe later. I’m going to get something to eat and check my emails. There seems to be quite a bit of Bookmooch activity.

I hope you all have a nice evening and if it’s not evening yet, I hope you have a nice day. Did any of you brave the stores yet? Ours don’t open until Monday.


>Second Christmas Day.

It’s officially another holiday, but I’m not going to let that bother me and finish up with the chores I have to do. But that’s for later. Right now I’m sitting here with my cup of coffee and cigarettes slowly letting the day come to a start, not sure if I am willing and able to. It’s always a question if I want to get the show on the road this early in the morning or if I want to go back to bed and sleep some more. I think sleeping some more will win out in the end. I feel in my bones that there are several hours of it left in me. So, I will eat breakfast shortly and climb back into bed. The dog will have to do with a piddle out back, because I’m not getting dressed yet. I mustn’t even think about being outside yet, where it is a chilly 2C and even though it isn’t freezing, that’s quite cold enough for me.

I have slept well, and with the exception of having to get up once, I slept through the night and I went to bed on time too. These mini expeditions to the bathroom take place in a half awake situation and I barely open my eyes. I don’t even know if I turn on all the lights to get there and I’m sound asleep again before I’m even under the covers again. I always have my little reading light on and when I go back to bed, I turn it off and the only light in the room is from the lighted branches in the vase on my bookshelf. The ones I’ve decorated for Christmas. This makes it quite cozy in the room and I like to fall asleep in the dim light of it.

I could have gotten a little Christmas tree to put on the dresser in the living room. I had the decorations and the lights for it, but then I thought about it drying out and the needles falling on the ground and I just thought, “No, I don’t want to deal with that aggravation.” I’m really not that into Christmas that very much, although I’ve enjoyed receiving the cards. I don’t believe in the biblical story, so I don’t celebrate it for that reason, but I appreciate the fact that in the middle of winter people want to have a festival of lights and good foods. It’s just too bad that it gets so commercialized, although it’s not as bad here, because we don’t as a rule give gifts at this time of the year. Still, there’s a mad rush of shopping to get all thess enormous amounts of food in the house. And drinks not to forget. Yet, I must not begrudge people their happiness at wanting to celebrate in style in the middle of these dreary days and make something special out of it.

In the meantime, I’m stuck with about 12 Christmas stamps that I hope to be able to use on my regular mail after Christmas, although they are less in value. I’m sure the post office will allow it, because they must realize that you have to use them up. They sell them in sheets of 20 stamps and there was no way I was going to use all of them. Unless I suddenly get more cards from people I have forgotten. Most of my cards went outside the country. It shows you that I know more foreigners than I do Dutch people, at least those I exchange Christmas cards with. I wrote two more cards yesterday and those I will stick in the mailbox today, although they will get at their point of arrival too late. It’s the thought that counts.

Now I must go back to bed, because I’m getting sleepy again. I will be so nice to get under the duvet again and to sleep some more. It will be just what the doctor ordered.

I hope you all have a good day. It’s Boxing day in England, isn’t it? Isn’t that when everybody goes to the stores to exchange their presents? The same should be happening in the States.
