Archive for evening

>It’s not too bad outside…


I just walked Tyke in the not too cold evening air. It just started to get dark outside and I noticed that the days are lasting longer all the time. The wind had stopped blowing and it was pleasant out there. I hardly needed my scarf, but wore it anyway just in case. There were birds chirping their evening song and, although I can’t identify them, it sounded pretty anyway. It made you feel like spring was on its way, especially since it was relatively warm and you could almost imagine everything shrouded in a green haze. 
Tyke is sound asleep by my feet now. He always thinks he needs a little nap after his walk. He will come around again in the shortest amount of time because he’ll want to play or bother Gandhi. She’s taking advantage of the peace and quiet by taking a nap herself on the back of the armchair behind me. That’s where the yellow fleece blanket lies folded and she’s lying on top of it. Luckily, she’s stopped shedding all that hair, so I’m not in danger of getting cat hair all over me when I lie down under it on the sofa for a nap. 
The domestic help has been here and cleaned up the place. It’s a load off my mind. I had been keeping up with the chores as well as possible, but everything needed a good cleaning. Because of the holidays, it had not been done in eleven days, so it was about time that somebody showed up. 
I’ve decided not to watch any television tonight. I watched the news about the earthquake and the tsunami in Japan all day long and listened to it on the radio too. I think I got an overdose of it now. I will wait until tomorrow to hear the rest. No, I won’t. I’ll hear it tonight when I go to bed and listen to the news bulletins on the radio. I’m sure they’ll pay lots of attention to it. It isn’t every day that an 8.9 earthquake hits with a tsunami as a result. 
Tyke has woken up and wants all sorts of attention. He doesn’t really know what he wants, he just wants attention. He’s already had a belly rub as part of the bonding ritual. I’ll play ball with him next. 
Have a good night.

>Another good Monday.

I am very merrily sitting here behind the computer with my mug of decaf and my cigarettes, The Überhund has had his dinner and been for a walk, so the evening is mine to do with as I please. I’ve opened the mail that had been laying there since Friday and it turned out not to be anything important. So that’s load of my mind, because I was kind of hesitant to open it, expecting something complicated. Now my mind is at ease. Some envelopes have such an imposing look about them and are so hefty that you expect all sorts of complicated forms to fill out that are going to determine the rest of your life, but nothing could have been further from this truth,

So I sit here with my mind at ease for now, knowing that at least for this evening, everything is according to the status quo and the sky is not falling. I don’t need to be chicken little and go around shouting my head off. What a relief and on top of that, there was no new mail at all today, which happens very often on Monday and that is always a nice thing in my book. No mail means no bills to subtract from my dwindling bank account. Fourteen days until payday, I always eke out those days.

I spent 70 minutes this morning drinking coffee and waking up from my long deep sleep. I petted the impatient Überhund, who was more than ready to go out, but I just couldn’t get a move on. Then, finally, I got up and did everything in a hurry, because I realized I was going to be late for creative therapy if I didn’t get the show on the road.

I dressed as fast as I could in my lacy tights, because the weather was going to be nice, slapped some make up on, fixed my hair and took the dog out for a mini walk. Then I still had time for a final mug of coffee and to make some cigarettes and hop on my bike, to get there with room to spare. I had an espresso in the smoking room and socialized with the other smokers until it was time to start our activities.

I put the finishing touches to my latest sculpture and when I was done with it after an hour’s worth of work, we realized that it sort of had collapsed upon itself, because the clay was kind of soft. The group therapist was able to fix the problem with pieces of cloth and wood to jimmy it back up and now it is sitting under a piece of plastic gathering strength until it is ready to dry. Oh yes, I also have to hollow it out before it dries. This to prevent it from shattering in the oven.

I’ve started on something new, but I don’t now if my heart is really into it, and I may start over again from scratch and make something entirely different. It’s not something that I’m really getting excited about and I do require a certain amount of that to make a good start of it.

Unfortunately, soon enough, it was time to go home and I rode my bike home in the beautiful weather and walked the Überhund when I got there without wearing a jacket. It was lovely outside and the sun was shining all over the place.

Then I had to make a shopping list and go to the supermarket where I stocked up on everything and rode my heavily loaded bike home without getting into an accident, although at times I was riding in the middle of the road, due to lack of coordination. The shopping bag on my handlebar was very heavy. I had to make two trips to get all the groceries inside and then I ate lunch and took a nap on the sofa, of which I was rudely awakened by the telephone and I was not very coherent. Seeing as though it was the Exfactor, this was not much of a problem.

I never did fully recuperate from my interrupted nap and even now I am still yawning, so it promises to be an early evening, unless I nap again and wake up later and have to start the whole thing over again. I have been known to do that. I have an appointment at 9:45 AM with my new psychiatrist, so I do have to get up at a decent hour and put myself together well to make a good impression. My SPN will be there too, so I won’t feel quite so lonely and intimidated.

The Exfactor has been going on daily bike rides when the weather permits and he takes photographs and sends me the good ones to put on my blog, so I will put the ones he sent today on here. It will give you an idea of how things look here right now.

That’s all I have to tell you, so here are the photographs.


>Evening Laissez Faire.

We are all very cozy here with our stomachs full of food and our bodies warmed up to the proper temperatures and what is better than to sit here and share the feeling of pleasure with all of you who sit in your own homes, maybe with equally full stomachs and the same feelings of pleasure. The Überhund has been walked and there is no cat in sight and I am wearing a new pair of socks and leggings that I bought at the super discount store today for an apple and an egg. One size fits all and that included even me.

This apple and egg store is right around the corner from me and they practically give their merchandise away, so it is always a good thing to pop in there and see what’s available. These leggings, of which I bought two, are black and have a pattern in them and look quite sexy with my black mini skirt. Or so I tell myself and I can easily talk myself into these things, having such high regard of myself and my taste for clothes. I can easily fool myself into thinking that I am a good looking woman from the top of my head down to my toes, while I know that’s not really true, but I say, “Soit,” and blow raspberries.

The whole trick of femininity is to believe that you are very and exude it, even if you are imperfect in your proportions and your features. You have to dress as if you have the best figure in town and as if each feature and shape is a virtue and not in any way something you ought to be ashamed off. That doesn’t mean you should be caught in a bikini if it is going to lay bare all your worst assets, because you want to conceal them and not draw attention to them, but it isn’t necessary to dismiss yourself if you’re full figured and wear a potato sack instead of modern hip clothing. You wouldn’t believe what you can get away with wearing, providing it’s the right size for you. Don’t wear sweat pants and a T-shirt to hide yourself in, that’s the biggest turn off.

And for god’s sake, get a good haircut and keep it up to date and wear make up and a good perfume. It will make you loveable and attractive and give your ego an enormous boost. Remember, you’re doing it for yourself in the first place, so you can be a goddess of your realm. The rest will follow automatically.

Listen to me, giving you a lecture on this, but I am such a firm believer in it. I hate to see women let themselves go down the drain. It’s not expensive to look good, if I can do it, then so can you.

End of lecture.

I’ve discovered twittering, or I should say, I have rediscovered it, because I had an account for a long time, but never used it. Today I started following a bunch of people and I hope they start following me. I hope they do, but in the meantime some other people have joined me, so I am not alone out there. I am not going to twitter via my mobile phone, that would be a little bit too crazy for me, but I’ll twitter when I am on the computer. I am following some celebs and some politicians and I am following Barack Obama and he is following me. That means I can send messages to him directly. It’s an interesting thing, this twittering. I’ll let you know what I think about it in the long run.

Okay, It’s pajama time again. Time to curl up and really get cozy. Maybe I’ll have another snack, because it’s Saturday night. Oh, I can look forward to that already.

Have a good evening, wherever you end up falling asleep.
