Archive for organizing

>In the niddle of it…


I’m in the middle of doing chores and really don’t have the time to sit down and write a post, but while the washing machine is churning away, I figured I could ignore the dishes and sit here for a bit. I can see the dishes from where I’m sitting behind the computer and I’m glancing at them as I write. I will not be intimidated by them. There are not that many of them and I’ll have them done in no time. I’m saying this with all the courage I have in me at the moment and that is more than I had earlier in the day when I was more cowardly. 
I’ve done some chores already and did them more speedily than I had anticipated. I’m more efficient than I thought I was. Apparently I had put enough thought into it ahead of time that I went to work in an organized fashion and got them done in the shortest amount of time. Either that or I had them blown up in my mind to a size that was completely out of proportion to their actual size. I think the latter must have been the most true. I do worry about things ahead of time too much. 
I had one single sock in the dry laundry, but I know where the other one is. Tyke had stolen it and used it as a security blanket. It had floated around the living room for a few days. He had not chewed any holes in it and I finally took it away from him and put it in the next load of laundry. I’ll have to give him an old sock that smells like me. I don’t really know if I have one. He’ll have to wait until I truly have an old sock. Maybe the next time I have a hole in the toe of one, but my socks seem so sturdy. They are industrial strength socks. 
I’m slowly reorganizing the bookcase in the bedroom and finding new places for all the things that Tyke shows the least bit of interest in. It means getting rid of things too. A lot of it is paperwork that needs to be better organized and it’s a good reason to do that. I need to make a box with vital documents and have those safe in a cabinet where they are also handy. I used to have them in a file system, but it has fallen apart due to old age. You always have to decide what to keep for posterity and what can just go. It’s also important to stay in the here and now. 
Tyke purposely rolls his tennis ball under the sofa and then stands beside it and barks so that I have to get the African walking stick and get the ball out from underneath. He’s a little stinker. I saw him do the same thing with the ball and the CD rack. He’d get it stuck underneath there and couldn’t get it out without my help, but he pushed it underneath there himself on purpose. He really made the effort to. That dog is much smarter than I give him credit for. 
Every time I think the washing machine is done, it goes and does something else. European washing machine sure take their time to run through all the cycles and I put it on a short program too. I want to dry the laundry tonight so that I can change my bed again soon. I have a shortage of pillow cases, because I use four at the time and I can’t find the right size unless I go to Ikea. I haven’t been there in a long time and I should talk my sister into going. 
I discovered the window in the spare bedroom was open and had been open for god knows how long. It does explain why it was getting so cold in here so quickly. One of the domestic helps must have opened it and I have a suspicion which one it was. I kept feeling a draft by my legs when I sat behind the computer, but I thought it was because of the cat flap. Since I closed it, it is a lot warmer in here and the heater hasn’t gone on all day. It goes to show you how much energy I could have saved. I’m glad I discovered it before it got really cold again tonight. I would have turned up the heater with it open and have been none the wiser.
I think the washing machine is done and I will go hang up the laundry. It’s dark outside and time to turn on the lights. It’s time to be cozy and cuddle the animals. 
Have a good evening!

>How not to go nuts…

My email program wasn´t working. I wasn´t receiving any emails at all and I thought that was highly suspicious. I know that none of you ignore me for that long. Your comments to my posts come to me by email, so I knew there had to be something there. I finally called the help desk after I couldn´t figure it out for myself and a very nice young man and I worked the whole thing out together and got everything working again as it should and it wasn´t an easy job. So, he is well worth his money and somebody ought to say that to his boss. Too bad I didn´t think of it until later and I didn´t catch his name.

Did I tell you yet that there was no word processor program and that I downloaded Open Office in American English? It is freeware. I don´t know why they are giving it away, but they are. You can get it in many languages. Oh yes, I added a weather forecast to my status bar, so now I don´t have to look out the window to see what the weather is like. It is 1C and the sun is shining.

Anyway, after I got the email program to work again, I got a slew of emails and comments and my heart knew such happiness. It was a true cornucopia. Then I got very busy answering them all and I probably didn’t do them justice necause there were so many of them. I promise to write very long and thoughtful answers in the future.

I did end up taking a nap on the sofa, which was to be expected after I had so little sleep, but I woke up quite refreshed after an hour and a half. I guess that was all I needed to get my second wind. Needless to say, I did not vacuum the sofa today, that was a half assed plan that I’m not capable of bringing to fruition. I will do that later this week after I’ve had a good night’s sleep. It was cute that I thought I could do it. Oh, what silly ideas I get!

I’ve got to organize myself a bit for tomorrow, because there are things I need to do, such as make copies of a bunch of paperwork and get all of that in the mail and prepare a paper swap, the last one I’m participating in, because they turn out to be a lot of work and an expensive hobby. Tyke needs to go to the vet tomorrow afternoon and the Exfactor is also coming over and he can help me with some things that have me stumped about the computer, such as where do I put the installation CD’s? I see a slot that they ought to go in, but no way to get one in. It is very strange! Doubtlessly, he will have the solution. I’m counting on it. I did get everything else right, so it’s okay if I don’t know this. I can be a helpless female sometimes to the deferment of the Exfactor’s superior technical mind.

Oh, the sun is shining on Tyke’s window where he always looks out and I haven’t cleaned it yet. It is a mess. I must get out the glass cleaner and polish it right now. The whole neighnorhood will be digusted with me. Well, that will be a household job that can’t wait.

Have a lovely evening and remember, a new computer will make you forget your obligations, so don’t be in a hurry to get one. Or take a week’s vacation and then play with it. Have your better half provide you with provisions, because you won’t have time to eat. And you will neglect your children.


>In the middle of the afternoon.

I’ve done my share of sleeping for the day, I think. I slept in my bed early this morning and I slept on the sofa after that. It was very pleasant, but there does come a time when you have to rouse yourself and get dressed and join the living. The dog had been waiting ever so patiently for me to take him for a walk and when I did, he dutifully did all his big business all at once. He’s a very economic dog and knows when to take advantage of the opportunity.

There was still a little bit of snow out, but the sun is shining and there is no rain at all like they had promised, nor does it seem like there is going to be any. I think they just make it up as they go along. They predict the weather that is already here. The snow is dry and powdery and no good for making snowballs, but like I said, most of it has melted already.

I’m sitting at my computer desk that needs to be dusted, which means I’ll have to take off all the things that crowd it and get a cloth to wipe it with. That’s my least favorite and most frustrating job, because it reminds me that I have too many things here that should have another place. It would be good if I spent some time finding a proper place for them. I need to put things away in such a way that they are out of sight, but not forgotten and lost. When I have more energy I will do that. I have a cabinet that I can organize to put all those things in and it’s only two steps away from the computer. When I’m at my best, I’m very good at organizing myself and I can demolish an old system and reconstruct a new one easily.

I’m slowly replacing my older, worn out books on the bookcase with the newer books I have been receiving and putting the older books on my bookcase in the bedroom. They are too good to toss out and I may want to read them again, or so I tell myself. I may end up putting them out with the recyclable paper. I have to give it some thought. I don’t think I’ve ever tossed out a book, unless it was falling apart and these are not nearly to that point yet. They just aren’t as pretty anymore as the newer books with their clean covers and colorful bindings. So far, I’ve resisted buying any books this month, although I have expanded my wish list and it has been tempting to order new ones, showing you again what an addiction the acquirement of books really is.

In the meantime, I’m trying to get all the laundry done. I’m washing a lot of sheets and pillow cases and bath towels. I had gotten behind in washing those and they had really piled up. I’m hoping to have a whole set of bed linen dry by this evening so I can change the bed. I have a detergent that smells very nice and it will be good to go to sleep in a bed that smells good. Actually, I would like to have clean sheets on the bed every night, but that’s too much work and I couldn’t handle the laundry and get it dry on time. That would be the nice thing about having a tumble dryer. I do miss little conveniences like that in the wintertime when I can’t hang up the laundry outside to dry. There’s nothing like the fresh smell of laundry that’s been dried outside. Soon enough it will be time for that again, said the optimist.

Well, I just about made it through another day. The afternoon is coming to an end and it has started to snow again. I’m not thrilled. I thought we were done with that. I will just ignore it and hope it melts as quickly as it falls down. It’s time to get out my gray cardigan again. I must be warm and toasty, although I have no problem with that when I lay in bed at night.

Jesker wants my attention, so I have to be a good owner and see what he wants.
