>Slow time…


Although I really slept well last night, I took a four hour nap on the sofa this afternoon, which seems pretty incredible to me too. I can’t believe I slept for such a long time and needed a cup of coffee immediately when I woke up. 
It did me a world of good and I felt very satisfied and sated afterwards and in a good mood. I must have really needed that sleep, which goes to show you that I tire easily from doing the most ordinary chores and that I don’t always get enough sleep at night and need to catch up on that every once in a while. 
The first thing I did this morning was go to the patio and clean up Tyke’s poop that had been covered up by the snow that now had melted and revealed everything. It was quite a unpleasant job and I had been putting it of. 
After washing my hands thoroughly under hot water, I took the laundry off the drying rack and folded it and put it away and took the next load out of the washing machine and hung it up to dry. 
This is one of the jobs I like to do and I think it has to do with my sense of order. I like hanging up things neatly and putting them away, knowing that each thing has its place. When I get frustrated, I know it is because my closet is not in order and I need to clean it up.

Next, I got the mail out of the mailbox and was rewarded with my new health insurance policy which I had been waiting for. I had taken care of changes on my policy on line, but because there had been problems with the website, I didn’t know if the changes had gone through properly and I was expecting all sorts of problems. I had called the help desk of the insurance company, but their computers were giving them problems and I only got a vague promise that it would be taken care of. 
It’s nice when something does work out right. This had been bothering me very much and was one of the reasons why I had been so nervous, because I anticipated all sorts of difficulties which I would not be able to put to rights and which would end up costing me precious money. I guess I do have to trust in the competence of other people and happy endings. Let this be a lesson to me. 
I stripped my bed with Tyke’s generous help and put clean sheets on it, which makes me look forward to getting into it tonight. I think Tyke looks forward to it also. I put the used sheets in the washing machine and am hoping to add some other laundry to it. I have to go around the apartment and look for some.
I cleaned up the kitchen, which always needs cleaning, and picked up the leaves of the ivy plant in the living room. I had given it too much water and nearly drowned it, and as a result it lost more than half of its leaves over a period of time. I am waiting for the soil to dry out and won’t water it for a long time now. 
That’s one thing I always do wrong. I always over water my plants. I’m good with outside plants, but I don’t do well with indoor plants. I don’t have a green thumb for them at all and don’t have any feeling for it whatsoever. I’ve already nearly killed another plant and I’m waiting for it to come back to life. I think I should have fake plants, though I would probably try to water them too in a subconscious attempt to kill them.
That’s when I succumbed to my need to take a nap and I turned up the thermostat and laid down on the sofa to sleep for a while, which turned into a long while. It took up most of my afternoon. 
Oh, now Tyke wants to play with me and the ball and I’m supposed to get it away from him. That’s an endless exercise in frustration unless he decides to kindly let go. I’m just going to ignore him until he drops it beside me. I think that’s the best method. 
Have a good evening!


  Reggie wrote @


  Maggie May wrote @

>Glad things are going well with you and the Health Insurance.I have been so busy of late and hope to get back to blogland soon. Its that time of year.Hope today is a good day too.Maggie XNuts in May

  Lucky Dip Lisa wrote @

>Just popping in to say hi:)Sounds like you are in good spirits despite the early morning doggy doo clean up! Lisa:)PS:I've changed my email to lisasarsfield@hotmail.co.nz

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