Archive for June 9, 2011


I couldn’t think of a title for this post, that’s why I wrote down ‘uninspired.’ It’s not that I don’t know what to write about, so you mustn’t worry about that. If I was truly uninspired, I wouldn’t write anything at all. I would just skip the whole business like I have for the past couple of days.

I just took the dog for a walk around the fields and because the grass hasn’t been mowed in a while, there were lots of wildflowers growing. There is lots of white clover now because of the rain. There are also red poppies that are very pretty. Everywhere there is chamomile and tall yellow flowers that I don’t know the name of.  The daisies are all gone and so are the dandelions. The poppies also grow in the flowerbeds and I hope nobody gets it in their head to weed those. I like the poppies better than the bushes that are planted there.

Having no garden, I live vicariously through the wildflowers that grow in the fields. Especially after it has rained there are moments of discovery. I found one single plant that is a ground cover and has purple flowers. It’s very pretty and inconspicuous. It is my secret plant.

I’ve finally been able to make an appointment to get the dog’s fur trimmed. He won’t go in for another two weeks, that’s how busy the  woman who does it is. At least she remembered who he was and that he is always a lot of work. Not that he behaves badly, just that he has a lot of thick fur. I’m sure he’ll feel a lot better once it’s cut. He has a tendency to get too warm  now and finds a cool place to lie down after we’ve been for a walk in the sunshine. Luckily, it hasn’t been too hot lately.

We’re supposed to get some showers tomorrow and they will be more than welcome. But as usual, I’ll believe it when I see it. The days have been cloudy off and on. Except for that wonderful thunderstorm, there hasn’t been any more rain.

I took a nap this afternoon, but I’m sitting here yawning. I suppose I need something to eat. I better not have any coffee now. I do want to be able to go to sleep at a decent time tonight. There will be nothing interesting on television. No thrillers or anything like that. I wish I was in charge of programming.

I’m off. I have to eat dinner. I hope you all have a pleasant evening.

