Archive for peanut butter

>Je ne sais pas…


I’ve posted photographs of the living room here in my last post, so if you missed those, go have a look there. It would be a shame if you missed those after all the effort I went through to post them, lol. I don’t post pictures every day, you know! Although, come to think of it, maybe I should do that more often.

Here’s one of Gandhi I took a few months ago.

And here’s one of Tyke I took yesterday.

Every once in a while, like right now when I’ve done a frustrating job, I get the strong urge to light up a cigarette. I see myself going through the motions in my mind and really long for one, but I have no tobacco in the apartment and I have to get through the moment on my own without any help. I sip my coffee and think relaxing thoughts and try to calm myself down. I tell myself it’s only a temporary longing I’m going through, that it will disappear after a while and that I’ve gone through worse things.

I just did deep breathing exercises, as if I was deeply inhaling smoke, but I was inhaling nothing but air. I did that for a few minutes and it got me over the moment. I must remember that trick, because it really works. My chest feels as if it has done some work and I had to cough. That’s good. It will get all the gunk out. You learn something new every day. No doubt my brain is benefiting from all the oxygen too. The desire for a cigarette is gone.

What wasn’t gone was my desire to eat a couple of teaspoons of peanut butter straight from the jar, so I had some of those and they were good, though now I’m very full. My eyes were bigger than my stomach (gastric band) and I’m burping very unladylike.

Can you believe today is Friday? Isn’t that wonderful? I have my personal helper and the domestic help coming today and after that I will be released from my biggest obligations. I’m planning on doing a lot of reading and sleeping this weekend. For some reason I have the need for those two activities the most. It’s because I’ll feel relaxed enough to indulge in them. I feel like hibernating and cocooning. It must be because of all the changes that were made this past week. It takes a person a while to get used to them and they do wear you out.

With all the dawdling I’ve done writing this, and I’ve done nothing but, it’s become morning and I will make a new pot of coffee, because the old one is empty. I only made enough for three cups anyway. I’ve got to take a shower in a while and wash my hair which I can’t do a thing with. Though come to think of it, I may go to bed for a while and sleep some more first. Maybe that will be a better idea. It’s early enough still.

Have a good day.


>Wednesday night and all is well…


I’ve already been asleep for awhile, but as is usual, I woke up and am wide awake again. I had a cup of coffee, but now I’m drinking cold milk and it is tasting very good. It fills my stomach and quenches my thirst. I don’t feel like eating. For some reason my stomach feels very full and all I’ve had today was a peanut butter sandwich.

I didn’t go back to sleep last night, but read my book until it was morning. I did doze off in the armchair a couple of times. I should have gone back to bed and set the alarm clock for 8 am, but I was stubborn and decided to stay up. It’s a mistake I won’t make quickly again because it bothered me for the rest of the day. I’m just now recuperated from it.

The men with the sofa got here at 10 am. The sofa easily fit through the front door and the hallway into the living room where it was unpacked and put in place. It’s a nice sofa, very modern in a pretty gray color, but I should not have gotten the throw pillows with the lime green covers for it. That doesn’t look good. I definitely need red covers for them to tie in with the color of one of the arm chairs, and the curtain in front of the door that I don’t use, and the red window shades. The colors in the living room need to be red and black and gray. I didn’t figure all of that out until way later in the day.

I have to get new shades for the living room windows tomorrow morning to replace the rather discolored ones that are there now, and I’m going to get a brighter shade of red than I have now. It’s going to match the other shades of red in the living room better. I have ordered new covers for the pillows and they will be here in the afternoon. That will tie the whole thing together.

I mounted different collages in the frames above the sofa and put a different movie poster in the frame by the living room windows. I just wanted a change. I don’t know if I’m happy with it yet. I have to think about it. I may change it still.

I was actually too tired to be making decisions about changes and needed to go to sleep. I canceled my appointment with my psychiatrist and asked the secretary for him to call me later in the afternoon, after I had slept. We could make a new appointment then.

I slept for a couple of hours, but not nearly long enough and I felt like a wrung out dishcloth when I got up. I had no energy for anything, but I did realize what was wrong with the living room and was bound and determined to set it to rights.

I finished the autobiography that I was reading and will start on ‘When We Were Orphans’ next. That will be shortly as I’m not nearly ready to go to bed yet, though I don’t want to stay up all night like I did last night. I did learn my lesson. I don’t want to read in bed, though, because there’s the danger that Tyke will get a hold of my book and shred it to pieces. Besides, when I’m in bed, I like to listen to the radio and let my thoughts wander.

Have a good night you all.


>A very new day…


I’m sure my dip that I had yesterday was of a temporary nature, because today is a brand new day and I feel much better. I was up early in the morning for a little while, but clearly had not slept enough and went back to bed and slept until 11 am. I felt very good when I woke up and I was ready to face the day. I had none of the negative feelings that I had yesterday and my outlook was much brighter.

Listening to talk radio when I go to sleep is working out very well. I leave the radio on while I sleep and wake up to it as well. I fall asleep quickly listening to it and find it very soothing. All sorts of subjects are discussed and I learn a lot if I’m not asleep, but I wonder if subconsciously I don’t also pick things up while I’m asleep, because I dream some very interesting things that I normally don’t. I think the things I hear on the radio penetrate my mind while I´m asleep and get mixed up with what I’m dreaming at night and early in the morning.

I do have a greater desire for sleep, but I think that´s not necessarily a bad thing. I´m not as hyper as I was or I should say, as over excited, and I think that is good, because it was a bit worrisome. I felt the slightest bit hypomanic, although I would have denied it if you had asked me about it. I am now speaking after the fact, when I´m calmed down. This is a much better sort of mood to be in.

I´m very appreciative of my present mood, which is much more settled and serene and doesn´t require me to have to think of ways to keep myself constantly occupied. I can be at rest and be okay with that too. I´m not going around thinking of ways to stay out of trouble and to fill every moment of the day. It is alright to have long empty pauses too. Those are just restful moments. I can sit and do nothing at all and have peace with that and stare into the middle distance and think of nothing important at all. That´s a preferable state of mind. When nothing is really very urgent and all can be taken care of in its own good time.

The Exfactor was here this afternoon and did the very necessary groceries. I was out of all sorts of things and it was a good thing that he went to the supermarket. I plan the groceries to last me exactly one week and had run out of things. I was even out of coffee and was drinking tea, which I luckily still had enough of. I do have all sorts of tea and had the Exfactor buy me some more just in case. I fixed coffee for us when he came back from the store and it tasted mighty good, but I did make a strong pot. It met with the Exfactor´s approval anyway, so I know my coffee is good. He´s a picky person.

This particular brand of coffee has points that you can save on the packages and I´m cutting them out and saving them in the kitchen drawer. Because the Exfactor drinks the same coffee. I´ve made him promise to save his points too. I don´t really know what sort of useless things you can get with them, but if they´re free, I want to get them. I just have to find the booklet to paste the points in. I think you can get silver teaspoons and other decadent items like that. I´ll have to do some research. I´m getting real greedy. I´m a typical housewife after all, but that´s not why I drink this coffee. It is just plain good. They don´t even need to give away the points.

I had the Exfactor buy me some wheat bread and peanut butter. The wheat bread is good for me and the peanut butter I like and has protein. I haven´t been eating bread for a long time, but I think it´s a good addition to my diet. I´ll be eating it instead of the porridge, because I think it has just a bit more fiber and vitamins. I know that peanut butter is more fattening, but I don´t plan to eat the whole jar all at once. I do need more protein in my diet than I´m getting from dairy products alone. I thought about getting eggs, but then I remembered that I really don´t like them all that much and that I always forget to eat them. I would like to eat some fish one of these days, but I prefer a piece of salmon from the open air market and I never go there on the right day. There´s the problem with eating fish also, because salmon is a cultivated fish and there some question about it being a healthy to eat fish. I have to find out more about this.

We finally have nice weather today. It isn´t raining for a change and although there are clouds in the sky, the sun is shining a lot. It isn´t very warm, but you get a little bit of a sense of a nice early day in fall. Meteorologically it is fall already. It has been since yesterday. I do like the month of September because we usually have nice weather. It´s like a breather before autumn really starts.

I have to make it a point to sit in my armchair this afternoon and read my novel for a while now that I don´t read before I fall asleep. I so much prefer listening to the radio and I fall asleep quicker too. I do want to spend time reading, though, and I have plenty of books left to read. I don´t want to neglect my mind. These novels I read always give me lots of food for thought, especially the ones in which relationships and their different aspects are the focus. I learn a lot about human behavior and stop being surprised and what situations bring out what sides of a person´s character. Anything at all is possible.

What I´m looking forward to most is a peanut butter sandwich and a tall glass of milk. I think that will be my special treat for today.

Have a nice day!


>Strong Coffee…

I fell asleep on the on the sofa at 4:30 pm and woke up two hours later having had a very nice nap. It didn’t take much to fall sleep. All I had to do was lie down and close my eyes and I was gone. I remember having to share the pillow with Toby and when I woke up he was still there. It was a wonderful nap, very restorative and one that I absolutely needed, but then again, I need all my naps. There is never a nap that I take that is not a very much needed nap. I always feel that if I don’t go lie down right then, I will topple over on the spot and fall on my head and get a concussion. Such is my great need to go lie down and forget everything else. That’s why I didn’t quite get my chores done today, almost, but not quite.

I did get the kitchen floor squeaky clean with the scrub sponge and some elbow grease and all that nasty evidence of food spillage by the animals is gone. I also mopped the hallway where my bicycle had dripped a huge amount of mud onto the linoleum from the dirty snow outside. I scrubbed the kitchen counter that never seems to get clean enough and always had various stains on it, because it is made of steel with a pattern in it and I dislike it very much. It’s a pain to clean and must have been invented by a man who never cleaned kitchen counters. I’m sure of it. I took a break after each job, because my back is bothering me, but other than that there was no problem. It’s just the same old spot that always bothers me, right in the middle of my back. It’s my weak spot.

I’ve decided to feed the cats on the kitchen counter from now on, because they spill their kibbles so much and I’m always having to sweep up the spillage out from underneath the kitchen radiator and it is too much work. If I feed them on the counter it will be easier to clean up after them and the dog will not be tempted to eat their food, while he ignores his own kibbles. I don’t know why it took me so long to think of this, but there you have it. They sit on the counter half of their lives anyway, so I may as well feed them there too.

For a treat I had a tall glass of fruit juice and peanut butter eaten straight from the jar with a little teaspoon. It was great. It is one of my favorite treats and I like it as much as eating chocolates. I can’t eat too much of it, because I do get full quickly, but I savor it while it lasts. Now, I could eat many more chocolates than I could eat peanut butter, but I won’t buy the chocolates, because I will eat one box in one sitting and make myself sick eating them. I adore chocolates with a creamy filling. I like real bonbons the best. Chocolates melt in your stomach really well, so I can eat a lot of them without getting full too fast.

Now I’m having my last cup of coffee. I didn’t realize what time it was. I’m staying up past my bedtime, but that’s okay, I don’t have to be at my sister’s house until 11 am tomorrow. If I’m smart, I’ll sleep late so I won’t feel like I have to take a nap while I’m there. That would be highly embarrassing. Imagine having to fall asleep while you’re visiting someone. “Excuse me, but I have to go home now to sleep, or let me lie down on your nice sofa here.” I can see my sister’s face now.

I got another mooched book in the mail today. So far, I’ve mooched 70 books and I’m waiting for 10 more. I’ve given away 27 books and just sent 10 and have to send 14 more. So, I’m not doing too badly. I’m starting to run out of room on my bookcase and will have to do a bunch of rearranging. I’m trying to keep all the unread books together, but I may not be able to. They may disappear in the collection. That won’t be such a horrible thing, as long as I don’t forget about them.

You all know that I have my books arranged by color. That is, all but the mooched books. They are separate. There’s a huge temptation to add them to the color arranged books, but I’m afraid of losing track of them and forgetting what I already have. I suppose I could make a list of books that I’ve mooched. That would be one solution. Actually, that is not such a bad idea, now that I think of it. It would solve that problem quickly, because now I always have to get up and walk to the bookcase and check. Mmm… this sheds a whole new light on my arrangement of the books. I will have to think about that. This may be a little Eureka moment. Watch me rearrange my books now at this hour of the night when I’m at my most brilliant.

It’s 2C outside so it is definitely not freezing anymore and tomorrow it’s going to be 5C and raining. That’s not the weather that was forecast some time ago when they were talking about a white Christmas, but maybe that is for the best, because otherwise there would be traffic jambs. Now, when it is 5C outside, it feels positively warm. There are still icy patches of snow in the places where the sun never shines, but most of it is gone, thank goodness, because it was making a mess.

Alright, I’m wishing you all a merry Christmas and lots of good cheer and lots of good food to eat in good company. Even if that means just the two or one of you with your animal(s).

I’ve got a job to do!
