Archive for December 22, 2009

>Frittering away the time.

I’ve managed to fritter away the day doing I don’t know what. Yes, doing all sorts of inconsequential things that didn’t add up to anything worthwhile. At least, it doesn’t leave me with a lot to show for. After I walked the dog this morning in the slushy snow, which was cold and wet, I ate breakfast and went back to bed and slept another three hours, which was wonderful and I’m convinced I needed it, because when I woke up, I felt great and ever so ready to enjoy the rest of the day. Of course, I started it off by turning on the computer and reading my emails.

Mistake # 1. Never turn on your computer at a random time, because you will get stuck there in the middle of the day and forget to do other things that are more important. I did remember to get dressed, which is good, because the mailman rang the doorbell with a package for me and I did have my clothes on and that was doubly good, because a while later the Exfactor showed up for coffee and a chat. I would hate to have him see me in leggings and a T-shirt. We’re past that stage of intimacy.

He stayed for quite awhile and that took a big bite out of my afternoon and then I still had to walk the dog in the slushy snow. My boots have gotten wet and need drying out, but I keep wearing them, because I’m not feeling anything in my toes that’s indicating cold or wetness, unless the feeling has gone out of them completely. I probably have wet socks and don’t even realize it. After I walk the dog for the last time, I will take them off and put them on a radiator and let them dry properly. The Exfactor brought some cable holders to tack the cable of the computer to the baseboards with, but not enough, so I need to go to the hardware store to buy more.

I must make a list of things I have to buy before the year is out. It’s adding up in my head, but I’m bound to forget something now, as there are too many items on it. I will sit down shortly and start writing that list.

The package I got from the mailman contained a book that wouldn’t fit through the mailbox slot, but when I got the mail out of the mailbox, there was another book there and some Christmas cards, bringing the total to 13. I do hope I get more than that…

Eventually I remembered my wet laundry hanging out on the clothesline and brought it all in and put it in the washing machine for the spin cycle. It’s done now and I can hang it up to dry shortly. Mistake # 2, don’t hang up your laundry outside to dry when it’s wintertime and it has been snowing and it may rain soon. Mistake # 3, don’t trust the weather forecast on your computer.

Well, I have so little to show for my day, it’s just outrageous. I did all these little things that are not worth mentioning. If you sleep half of the day and spend another chunk visiting with you ex, it takes care of a good portion of it. I also find myself tired now and I don’t know why that is. I’m very much looking forward to going to bed and pulling the duvet over my head. It can be that visiting with the Exfactor has exhausted me. Who knows what sort of subliminal things take place while we meet? Maybe it wears me out.

I think I will hang up the laundry now and then walk the dog and have something to eat. Hey, this was supposed to be an upbeat post, but I ‘m ending it in a minor mood. I’m just very tired suddenly. Have a wonderful evening.


>It’s morning again and then what?

You answer you emails and drink your cups of coffee and smoke your cigarettes, that’s what you do. And when you’ve answered all your emails, you get to write a blog post, that’s allowable, because you’ve got the time and the inspiration.

I’ve slept my now normal 8 hours again and I feel fully rested and ready to tackle the day, though I mustn’t say this too loud, because I have been known to go back to bed after I’ve said such a thing. Although I don’t think I will today, because the day beckons me with the chores I want to get done. After I wrote my post last night, you see, I didn’t actually do a thing, but eat and watch the news and go to bed early with my very exciting book and a piece of Camembert cheese, which has given me a sore throat and I know it’s from the cheese, because I haven’t had any in a long time and now I just happen to have a sore throat, which I normally don’t have.

Outside it’s 1C and raining and the snow is turning into slush. Not a great day to go outside, but I’ll have to walk the poor dog in it. I’ll have to wait until the worst of it is over. Of course, this means that the laundry that I didn’t bring in last night, is now sopping wet and I’ll have to run it through the spin cycle of the washing machine. But it will be somewhat fresh smelling having been soaked by the rain, which is very clean, I hope. The laundry on the drying rack in the bathroom wasn’t quite dry last night and I didn’t think to bring the laundry from outside in, as they predicted no rain. Well, I was fooled, wasn’t I? I will have to go out in my hooded coat and get it off the clothesline and bring it dripping wet into the apartment in the laundry basket and stick it into the washing machine. I can already imagine how cold and wet it will be now.

It’s just a minor setback in my day and nothing I can’t deal with and, except for very cold hands, there will be no after effects. Everything in life should be that simple to resolve. The good part about the day is, that instead of sweeping the floors last night in the dimness of the light bulbs, I get to vacuum it now by daylight, so I will see much better what I do. This will obviously mean that I will see the dirt better and know where to scrub harder when I get ready to clean the floors. It is my intention to do that today, because I have no other plans and no places to go. I do want the place to look good before Christmas, that’s a promise I made myself and I need to stick to it.

I will absolutely not be a diva today, but just an ordinary run of the mill middle aged housewife, which is a persona I need to be every once in a while when I need to pull the interior of my apartment back into shape again. This is best done in extremely comfortable clothes and without regard to my exterior. It’s unimportant what I look like. What counts are some muscle and brawn and endurance. A pair of knee pads would help too, but I haven’t got any of those.

Of course, there’s no law that says I need to be middle aged to be a good housewife, because I used to be young and be a very competent one too, but the fact is that I’ve reached that point in my life that I’m actually called middle aged and that is a moniker I can’t easily get away from, no matter how hard I try, unless I have plastic surgery done all over the place and look like Jane Fonda. If I had the money I would have it done, the works, everything, nip and tuck and do whatever it needs. I’m vain enough for it. I don’t like the way my body is getting older and the way gravity is working on everything, pulling it all downwards to my knees. Even my eyelids.

In the meantime, I’m waiting for it to get light outside so the day can get started and I’m hoping for the rain to stop. The streets are going to be a mess and doubtlessly there will be traffic jambs as a result of it. It seems we can’t deal with winter weather anymore. Every bit of snowfall takes us by surprise, as if we don’t live in a cold climate where that happens regularly. A real snowfall would immobilize the country. How do you people in the Mid West and Canada do it?

My dog is barking at me and that is the signal that he wants to go out. I just looked out the window and it is barely drizzling, so I suppose we can go brave the elements now. We will just get a little wet.

I hope you all have a good day and that your weather isn’t as foul as it is here, because this is no fun. But we’ll stubbornly walk under the threatening skies and defy all the dark clouds.
