It’s impossible not to…

I need to write a post to stay in this very nice and mellow mood I find myself in. I don’t want to break the spell by doing anything else. I want to stay behind the computer and ignore the world around me, even though there’s nothing threatening about it. I just want to sit here and stay in this tiny place behind the keyboard and share my thoughts even if they don’t amount to much at all.

I’m having my inevitable cup of coffee to help sharpen my mind. I just need it to be slightly sharpened, it is okay if it stays just the slightest bit dull. I don’t have to be real quick witted and fast on my feet. I’m not going to engage in a battle of minds and come out the winner.

You could call what I’ve had another splendid day, but it went by so fast and easily that I barely had time to look at it. I haven’t done anything special. On the contrary, I completely wasted the day on doing hardly anything at all. I’m left with almost nothing to show for it.

I can tell you that it was Saturday and that it was my day off and that my main concern was getting a new supply of tobacco from the tobacco shop. I also bought a chocolate bar, like I almost always do, and it spoiled my appetite and I haven’t had dinner yet.

That was my bit of excitement for today. At least I had my few minutes of socializing. You do have to interact kindly in the shop. It helps if you are a steady customer and they know your name. It puts a smile on your face.You can’t help yourself.

Another thing that puts a smile on my face are the antics of my dog. He keeps insisting on taking the potholders off their hook in the kitchen. He doesn’t do anything with them but put them down in the living room with his other toys. I can hang them back up, but in the shortest amount of time he will have collected them again. He’s discovered that he can do this so now keeps doing it. He’s a funny one.

The cat isn’t nearly as funny. She’s just endearing. She never does anything silly, but she’s so sweet and cuddly that she doesn’t have to. All she has to do is lie down on my lap and purr. That’s good enough. She’s so kind to the dog too and always comes and greets him even when she has just seen him.  I really think she adores him. He’s crazy about her and thinks she’s there just for him to do with as he pleases. He does always let her know that he’s boss in case she forgets. But she’s an angel and tolerates anything.

My life wouldn’t be nearly as interesting if I didn’t have the animals. They do bring a bit of color to my daily life.

I’ve got to eat dinner now. I am starting to get hungry. You can’t live on a chocolate bar alone.

I hope you all have a good night.










  Maggie May wrote @

Those wild flowers are beautiful. I do love them.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

  noortjeibsen wrote @

Thanks Maggie, I love them as well. Those are poppies, as you know, and some blue cornflowers as well. You don’t see them often anymore.

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