Archive for tobacco shop

It’s impossible not to…

I need to write a post to stay in this very nice and mellow mood I find myself in. I don’t want to break the spell by doing anything else. I want to stay behind the computer and ignore the world around me, even though there’s nothing threatening about it. I just want to sit here and stay in this tiny place behind the keyboard and share my thoughts even if they don’t amount to much at all.

I’m having my inevitable cup of coffee to help sharpen my mind. I just need it to be slightly sharpened, it is okay if it stays just the slightest bit dull. I don’t have to be real quick witted and fast on my feet. I’m not going to engage in a battle of minds and come out the winner.

You could call what I’ve had another splendid day, but it went by so fast and easily that I barely had time to look at it. I haven’t done anything special. On the contrary, I completely wasted the day on doing hardly anything at all. I’m left with almost nothing to show for it.

I can tell you that it was Saturday and that it was my day off and that my main concern was getting a new supply of tobacco from the tobacco shop. I also bought a chocolate bar, like I almost always do, and it spoiled my appetite and I haven’t had dinner yet.

That was my bit of excitement for today. At least I had my few minutes of socializing. You do have to interact kindly in the shop. It helps if you are a steady customer and they know your name. It puts a smile on your face.You can’t help yourself.

Another thing that puts a smile on my face are the antics of my dog. He keeps insisting on taking the potholders off their hook in the kitchen. He doesn’t do anything with them but put them down in the living room with his other toys. I can hang them back up, but in the shortest amount of time he will have collected them again. He’s discovered that he can do this so now keeps doing it. He’s a funny one.

The cat isn’t nearly as funny. She’s just endearing. She never does anything silly, but she’s so sweet and cuddly that she doesn’t have to. All she has to do is lie down on my lap and purr. That’s good enough. She’s so kind to the dog too and always comes and greets him even when she has just seen him.  I really think she adores him. He’s crazy about her and thinks she’s there just for him to do with as he pleases. He does always let her know that he’s boss in case she forgets. But she’s an angel and tolerates anything.

My life wouldn’t be nearly as interesting if I didn’t have the animals. They do bring a bit of color to my daily life.

I’ve got to eat dinner now. I am starting to get hungry. You can’t live on a chocolate bar alone.

I hope you all have a good night.









>Smelling the coffee…


It’s in the middle of the night and I have slept enough for now. I don’t want to waste anymore time doing it until the morning when it will be Saturday and I will have more than enough time for it. I’m not expecting any people to come over or packages to be delivered like there were yesterday. The domestic help and the Exfactor were here and the package of books that I ordered arrived, causing dents in my otherwise peaceful day. I didn’t have the long, languid days that I had on Wednesday and Thursday, when there was nobody here and I could do as I pleased and I got more accomplished in the end.
True, my apartment is very clean and I’m all set for the weekend, except for a load of laundry that needs to be hung up to dry and some more dishes that need to get done, as always. That’s a never ending battle because I do eat and dirty them. I keep an eagle’s eye on the growing amount of them so they don’t get out of hand and become an overwhelming stack. It’s like the laundry, the minute there’s a full load, I have to wash it so I always stay on top of things. There’s a full load quickly when I change the bed. My sheets are getting worn out from washing them and I will soon have to invest in new ones. 
The books that got here have found their place on the bookcase ready to be read when I finish the one I’m reading. They take up a bit of space because one of them is a big, fat paperback. It will take me some time to get through that one. It’s with some amount of trepidation that I look at it. The others are more normal sized and less intimidating. I also have small books on my bookcase that I could read in a short amount of time, but I’ve not been interested in them yet. I guess I’m still looking for a bit of a challenge, but I may want to read them as a break from the bigger ones. I may give that a try. I have a bunch of those by Edna O’Brien, but they are a completely different genre than what I’m reading now. I have to give that some thought. 
There’s not much else on the program today. The Exfactor went to the tobacco shop for me yesterday, saving me the trip over there today. I did miss out on a chocolate bar, but I have chocolate pudding. I’ve been having cravings for meatballs and pork chops and bacon at night before I go to bed and look through the cupboards and the refrigerator to no avail to find something that will take care of my craving instead. I must be in need of protein and have to find a way to get more of it in my diet. It’s very hard to be on an all vegetarian diet and I know I’m not getting all the nutrients I should. I think my body is telling me something. 
It’s going to be 24C (75F) today. It’s a fluke because tomorrow it’s going to be a lot cooler again. We’ll just happen to be in a high pressure system today. I won’t know how to dress. It’s been a long time since it’s been so warm. I won’t worry about it just now, though. I’m going back to bed to sleep some more. When I wake up later in the morning, I’ll see how warm it is outside and I’ll know which clothes to put on. 
Have a great day.

>Another terrific day…


No, I’m not being sarcastic when I say that, nor am I being hypo-manic. I just wanted to share my somewhat good mood as I sit here with my second cup of coffee. Of course, all moods are momentary and I have to take advantage of this one as long as it lasts because it may only be here for an hour. That’s why I say now that it’s a terrific day, while I should really say that it’s a terrific moment.
I’m also very easily and quickly pleased. As long as nothing goes wrong, I’m happy. As long as I know that the day is going to be very uncomplicated, I’m thrilled about it. Since today is Sunday, there’s nothing much that can go wrong and I expect no complications. It is a day of rest, after all. Better yet, nothing much is expected of me. I think that’s the most important thing. 
Yesterday I had to go to the tobacco shop and I thought that was a complicated thing to do. Of course, yesterday was a complicated day for me anyway, what with the fact that I was trying not to go around the bend from all the sleepless nights I’d had. Riding my bike to the tobacco shop seemed like a very difficult thing to do and once I had finally done it, it was a major load off my mind. I bought myself a chocolate bar as a reward. No doubt that made me gain a pound.
It was a relief to take my old sleeping pills last night. I slept better and after I had been up in the middle of the night like I always am, I slept better in the morning too. The most important thing is, that I was not hypo-manic during the night and I avoided drinking a lot of coffee to create an artificial high. And, even though it was a super full moon, I was not a lunatic, although I would have expected it. Apparently not knowing that it was until this morning, made me not be influenced by it, although I have to say that I was a lunatic the night before this one. 
I’ve walked the dog and it is a fairly nice day out there. We have a hazy sun and pleasant temperatures. I’m waiting to see the buttercups in the grass. That will be a happy day.


>Keeping up the happy patter…


It is with some amount of satisfaction that I sit here, because I’ve had my outing for today. It doesn’t happen very often that I go somewhere out of the ordinary, because I usually don’t have the desire to. Today I took the opportunity to go buy fake plants, because the Exfactor came by to drink coffee and I talked him into walking to that discount store with me. 
It wasn’t difficult really to talk him into it, because he likes going there for all the good buys you can get there. Everybody else in the neighborhood likes going there too, as is evident by the long lines at the cash registers and the very full parking lot. We didn’t let that bother us and shopped to our hearts content.
I finally bought a set of tall drinking glasses that I had needed for the longest time. There are six of them and I will have to make room in the kitchen cupboard for them somehow. I haven’t got around to doing that yet. I have to sit and think about it first. 
I also bought Tyke two big rawhide bones and he is very happily chewing on one of them right now. Actually, he thought everything in the bags was for him like he usually does. He thinks I go shopping just for him.
Of course, I hung out in the perfume section, where they sell the best ones  at discount prices, and I tried out a couple of them on various parts of my body until I found the one I liked best. It was very inexpensive and I got a big bottle of it. When I got home, I spritzed myself liberally and I’m completely swooning over the smell of me. It’s so delicious. It’s too bad that you get used to it after a while.
I’ve got the fake plants and they are of a decent enough quality for me to be happy with. There wasn’t that much choice, because some of them were just plain ugly, but I picked out the best ones. I put them in their pots and they look good and the most important thing is that I won’t be able to kill them. At most they will get dusty and then I will rinse them off under the kitchen faucet.
We went to the tobacco shop after we were done shopping and I was greeted with a lot of compliments by the owner’s wife about how I looked. She had not seen me in a while and was pleasantly surprised. I had not realized what a difference there was between me now and a few months ago. I guess it is really obvious. I certainly was pleased about that. It seems that reducing my medication is very good for me. 
So, now I’m sitting here with a tall glass of milk resting my legs. The exercise has actually been good for my knee, which was bothering me a lot earlier. I must walk over to that store more often. There are enough reasons to go there. Anywhere there are that many discounts is a good place to go. 
I hope you’re all having a good day.



I got up early this morning and was full of good intentions. I didn’t want to act like it was another weekend day and waste it sitting around in my bathrobe, not accomplishing anything. The first thing I did early this morning was walk Tyke when it was still dark outside and cold. It was even snowing a little bit. Luckily, Tyke cooperated and got his business over and done with quickly, so we could return to the warm apartment soon. I did let him sniff around on the field for a while, but it was too cold to linger long. 
Once we got back inside the apartment, I realized that I was still a bit sleepy and I laid down on the sofa under the red fleece blanket and closed my eyes for a while. I had planned to watch the cultural programs that were going to be on that morning, so I had turned on the television, but all I saw were 5 minutes of news and then I fell asleep and didn’t wake up until noontime, so I slept for a long time. 
I immediately made myself a cup of coffee, and then another one, so that I would be alert and well and then I took Tyke for another walk. It was a bit less cold outside and the sun was shining. Still, there was a lot of ice underneath the freshly fallen snow and walking was a bit treacherous, even in my new boots. I certainly mustn’t get a false sense of security, because I can still slip and fall. 
After I took Tyke home, I walked to the tobacco shop very carefully, although in some places people had cleaned their sidewalks really well. They had sprinkled them with salt and gotten rid of all the ice. I slipped a few times, but managed to find my footing anyway, so they were just close calls. 
I bought a chocolate bar at the tobacco shop along with my usual supplies and made my way home, aware now of the treacherous places and avoiding them as much as possible. Tyke and Gandhi came to greet me both when I walked in the front door and you would have thought that I’d been gone for hours. It does feel good to be welcomed so, although Tyke was also very curious about what was in the bag that I was carrying. I didn’t give him a chance to look, afraid that he’d find the chocolate bar.
I watched television all afternoon. Some of it was interesting and some of it was inane. At least I was dressed and I wasn’t sitting around in my bathrobe. That was one redeeming feature. At least it wasn’t a day like last Saturday that I let completely go to waste. I do feel that I did something useful. 
I’m waiting for it to start snowing again, because it is supposed to. I’ll go walk Tyke in the snow. The country has been in chaos because of the snow and the ice. Planes, trains and automobiles have been delayed or canceled or stuck in traffic jams. People are told not to go anywhere unless they absolutely have to. There’s a terrible mess at Schiphol Airport and many passengers are stranded. 
I must go and watch the latest news. 
Have a good evening.

>Thank goodness it is Saturday…


Isn’t it wonderful that it’s the weekend again? The week flew by and I don’t know where the time went. It just disappeared in a the blink of an eye, or several of them, and now I get to relax in the luxury of two days of spare time. I will enjoy it very much. The only thing I have to do is make a trip to the tobacconist to replenish my supply of tobacco and to buy another lighter, because Tyke demolished one of them again the other night. That is just a short outing, though, and that’s the only obligation I have, besides walking Tyke a couple of times a day.

I can’t tell you what a relief it is to have no outside pressure on me at all and to really know that nothing is expected of me for two whole days. Subconsciously, during the week, I always live with the idea that there will be expectations made of me that I can’t live up to and I don’t have that on the weekends. They really are an enormous break for me. But then again, I’m sure you must all feel that way and I’m sure it is a universal feeling and the weekends must be a big break for everybody, even the people with the most “uncomplicated” lives.

I’m repeating myself, I’m sure I have written this down before.

I finished my novel yesterday afternoon while I was sitting in my armchair with a big pillow in my side to lean against. The ending was fantastic, but you really feel so sad, because you think that all the agony and pain and madness could have been avoided if the truth had been told at the very beginning. If there had not been this attempt at this huge cover up. It really shows a lot about human nature and not the prettiest sides of it either, but rather how we might behave under the hardest pressure and when we make assumptions based on what people might think of us and how much we let that bother us. Some barely to be forgiven acts are committed and you have to somehow come to grips with them. Or not and have them be unresolved in your own mind. The novel was Drowning Ruth by Cristina Schwartz.

I’ve now started reading Where The Heart Is by Billie Letts and it’s a completely different novel with a lot of dark humor in it. I’m not sure if I should call it dark humor, because I have a tendency to take things seriously and someone else may call it light humor, but the main character finds herself in quite a pickle, though it is treated with a certain amount of lightness and gaiety, as much as that is possible. You most definitely feel compassion for her. There are good guys and bad guys, that much is clear. I’m only up to page 65, so I can’t say too much about it yet. A lot needs to develop yet.

I’ve now made it a habit to sit in my armchair for a few hours every afternoon to read, because I don’t read at night before I go to sleep anymore. It’s rather comfortable and very often Tyke or Gandhi climbs on my lap. They do want to get as close as they can get. I have my glass of milk and my cigarettes and settle in and have a good old read and concentrate completely on the book. The world is at a standstill. At night I listen to the radio and last night I fell asleep listening to the commentary to a football game of the Netherlands playing against San Marino. I was asleep in the shortest amount of time because I was not that fascinated by it. It was a rather dull game and the Dutch had 90% ball possession and made all the goals. It was a little bit too easy.

It was cold in the bedroom last night because I still had the window open and I put on warm pajamas and socks and crawled way under the duvet to get warm. Tyke laid down almost on top of me. I must get him a pair of pajamas too.

It’s foggy outside right now and 9C, but we’re supposed to have sunshine today and 19C. It will be a nice fall day and tomorrow too. No rain anyway. Even I got tired of that.

I must take my medicines and get dressed. It’s time to walk Tyke and breathe in the cold morning air.

Have a nice day!


>Don’t fear the rain clouds overhead…


I’m eating some fruity gumdrops that I bought at the tobacconist a while ago. I couldn’t resist the temptation and bought a big bag of them. They satisfy my taste buds and my stomach very much. The problem is that they fill me up very quickly and that they prevent me from eating anything else, so for now I’m living on candy, which is not a preferable lifestyle. Sometimes I have to throw caution to the wind and live with complete abandonment. I like living dangerously and on the edge. I’m so adventurous!

I had to get two new lighters at the tobacconist, because Tyke had eaten one that I had and the other one was almost out of fuel. All I got after many attempts was one tiny little flame, and speaking of living on the edge, that was just a little bit too scary for me. I didn’t know if I could light my next cigarette and the matches that I have are absolutely no good. They are as ineffective as a 120 year old man is in bed. They’re not like those Swedish matches that work anytime and anywhere. Swedish men probably do too.

I also had to get trash bags and the tobacconist is very handy, because he stocks those. I was using a plastic bag, but it was getting full and I do like the fact that I don’t have to go all the way to the grocery store to get new trash bags. There’s nothing worse than standing in line for those. Never mind the fact that I don’t like riding my bike across the parking lot there, because you take your life in your own hands when you do. This is because of the drivers of cars who don’t count on you being there and have a strong desire to run you over and probably wouldn’t stop if they did.

I checked my mail on the way back in and found another book from Bookmooch and that makes the total 4 received with 7 left to come. This book I just got looks very interesting and I can’t wait to start it. I think I will sit in the armchair this afternoon and start reading it. I will install myself with a cup of tea and my cigarettes and have a good old read. The book is called Drowning Ruth by Christina Schwarz. It was a #1 New York Times bestseller when it came out 10 years ago. I have a good feeling about this book, call it expectations or instincts, I think I will like it. I look forward to an afternoon of reading to calm my mind. I’m quite excited about nothing at all and everything in general and need a soothing activity. I haven’t finished A Place Of Hiding, but I will save that as my nighttime book or finish it when I’m done with this one.

I had the domestic help here and she had some spare time and cleaned the whole bookcase. I’m glad it was done and thanked her profusely. All the dust is gone and she moved all the books out of the way to do it. She is a peach. She also cleaned the CD rack and that was above and beyond the call of duty. I do so appreciate the help. It makes living so much easier. I can keep up with things myself now and take care of the chores that I need to do. Everything is manageable now and I don’t feel like the apartment is tumbling down around me.

Actually, everything is starting to look more manageable now that I’m on a lower dose of antidepressants. I feel that I have more mental energy, but that may also be due to the light therapy lamp. I do want to continue decreasing the amount of antidepressants and will discuss that with my psychiatrist when I see him next. I didn’t know that it was possible without too many problems or I would have done it sooner. Well, there’s always a perfect time to find these things out, I guess now is that time.

It has started to rain again, but we are assured that the weather will get better in the very near future and the meteorologists advised us to go to England for a short vacation, because the weather is so nice there. You lucky English people. There’s been damage across the country here because of the storm. We’ve had so much rain and wind lately. The Netherlands is living up to its image of being a cold and wet country. In two more days it’s going to be September and I’m counting on an Indian summer. Oh no, now it’s started to thunder too. I’m glad I’m not out there.

I think I will go and read my novel now. It’s time for some food for my brain. I haven’t read a book that’s not a thriller in a while. It will be nice to not read about dead bodies, although there is a mysterious death in this book too. All will be revealed in time.

Have a good day. Think of me here in the rain. Not that I mind…


>Clueless in the Netherlands…


Just when I assert that I sleep so well during the night and that I don’t feel the need to get up and sit behind the computer in the middle of the night, I do and I have no clue as to why that happens. I do know that when I woke up, I was wide awake and had no sleepy bone left in my body. I had no wish to go back to bed once I had let Tyke out back for a piddle. I simply had no desire to sleep anymore.

It’s kind of a shame, because I was just starting to develop a good sleeping habit that seemed to agree with me well. I was up all day without a nap and asleep soundly at night until a decent enough time in the morning. It was all of very short duration, but it showed promise of a regular life.

At least there’s one thing I can count on and that is that my day and night rhythm never stays the same for a large period of time, but is always in fluctuation. I suppose that is the nature of the beast and I will have to be flexible and adapt. There’s no need to get in an uproar about it, but just go along with the program as much as I can and sleep when my body and mind dictate it. If I fight it and get upset about it I will just turn it into a problem which it doesn’t have to be.

I probably didn’t have enough things to do yesterday for the amount of energy I had. I did try to fill up my time with useful things, but ran out of chores to do and the interest to do them. I even went around the apartment and looked for clothing and other items to make up a load of laundry that I could do and when I had that together, also stripped my bed so I would have another load to do.

In the morning I went to the drugstore and bought a very good shampoo for light blond hair and some hairspray and dog treats and two candy bars. I also stopped by the tobacco shop for the pack of tobacco that I had already paid for and that they still owed me. Those were my outings for the day, besides walking the dog. I tried to think of other reasons to go out, but they all cost money and I didn’t want to waste it.

One of the first things I did was wash my hair with the new shampoo and it gave my hair a nice sheen. It brightened it up a lot and I’m glad I got it. There’s no need to color your hair when you have a shampoo like that that enlivens it. Of course, your hair has to be the right color to start with, otherwise it doesn’t work.

Tyke was happy with his treats. He figured I had brought something home for him and practically dove into the shopping bag when I carried it in. He was so excited, but then I usually do have something for him when I came home with a bag of shopping. He’s not the least bit spoiled and even Gandhi thinks there’s always something for her there. I had to disappoint her, though, and gave her fresh kibbles and milk instead.

I opened up my mail and was pleased to see that I have an appointment for an intake for the creative classes on Wednesday, so that was arranged rather quickly. I thought I would have had to wait longer than that. There’s movement in the right direction. All I have to do is keep my resolve and not chicken out.

I puttered around the apartment doing odd jobs. They all added up to something. Tyke had destroyed the book I was reading and little pieces of it were lying all over the bedroom floor. What is that I said about him no longer being a puppy? It was a fun job cleaning it up and I will be unable to finish the book as portions of it are missing.

I try not to be devastated about this and picked out another thriller to read last night. Kathy Reichs’ Devil Bones. It’s going to be a good book, that much I know already. The main character of the book is a forensic anthropologist and that very much interests me. She’s also a 55 year old woman. That’s even better. A role model for me.

I applied my open and approachable policy yesterday when I was at the store. I tried to remember not to have any walls up when I talked to people and was friendly to the cashier. I smiled and made small talk. It doesn’t come easy, but I try it anyway.What you get in return is friendliness. I have to practice this a lot until it becomes second nature. I have to walk around in public with a different attitude. I was the same way at the tobacco shop, but it was easier because I come there a lot. Still, there’s room for improvement.

I realized I have a defensive attitude when I go out there. I shut myself up and I’m not as friendly as I can be. I create a distance between myself and other people. I’m not engaged. I have to stop that and become involved and acknowledge their presence better in their interactions with me. I’m not a gray shadow who can just come in under the radar without making a ripple. I am a presence too and I have to let myself be known and show my true colors.

Well, I have my work cut out from me. In the meantime I practice living in gray areas with little highs and lows. I have no wish to bounce from one extreme to the other and don’t let any sort of high or low set the tone for the rest of the day. Everything is temporary and for the moment to which it applies. A mood in the morning doesn’t determine the rest of the day. I’m not held hostage by it and none of the moods need to get out of hand.

I’m going to do the dishes in a moment and clean up the kitchen. I think I will then go back to bed for a while and sleep some more. First I will have some breakfast and watch the news on TV. I will tell you about the horrible government we are going to have the next time.

Have a good day.





I was up for a while during the night, but I had enough sense to go back to bed when it was still early in the morning. I set the alarm clock for 10 am and woke up a little bit before that. I wanted to have time to go to the tobacco shop and to do a few chores. First I had to wake up properly and I took about 45 minutes to do that with a cup of coffee and some cigarettes. They weren’t home made, so they didn’t taste as good. I don’t know what manufacturers put in ready made cigarettes, but it tastes like junk. Not at all like when you make your own cigarettes from plain tobacco, and they’re expensive too. They’re almost 3 times as expensive as home made.

I got dressed and took my wallet and a plastic bag and Tyke and some baggies. Off we went on our merry way. It wasn’t too cold outside and the weather is supposed to be improving soon. When we got to the tobacco shop, Tyke tried to jump into the bin of candies, as usual, and I got my tobacco and filter tubes and some lighters. I must always have lighters. Tyke had the audacity to bark at someone he decided not to like, which happens rarely, and we left the shop at high gear. I needed two baggies, one on the way over there and one on the way back. Tyke always dawdles. He thinks he has to sniff at every bush and blade of grass. I am patient, but sometimes I just drag him along.

When I came home, I started making cigarettes and then the domestic help got here. A cat had killed a bird and brought it home and I had cleaned it up and disposed of the dead bird, but there were still some little feathers lying around. She didn’t comment on those and just vacuumed them up. Domestic helpers ask no questions. They’ve learned not to be curious. For all she knew I had slaughtered Cornish game hen in there, but not a word came over her lips. She did say that the apartment looked tidy and I said that I’d done it myself. She saw in the workbook that nobody had been here on Friday, so she was surprised. Now she could see for herself that I’m really a neat person.

I may be a neat person, but I haven’t got the laundry out of the washing machine yet. I may hang it up to dry outside, because no more rain is expected. The temperatures are supposed to get higher each day until it will be hot by the weekend. I don’t know how I feel about that. I suppose I have mixed feelings. I am happy because of the sun, but I am less thrilled because of the heat. I am curious to see if I will be less tired. The sun has already come out this afternoon, although there are still big clouds in the sky. It’s getting a little warmer inside too, which is good, because I was about to put another cardigan on and may still.

I had taken my medicines real early this morning, rather then taking them late when I would wake up at 10 am. Subsequently, I didn’t take them again until 12:30 pm and the gap was too big, because I started to feel awful. I became neurotic and obsessive and I couldn’t at first figure out what was wrong. I didn’t think anything was wrong, but that the grievances in my head were legitimate and that I should act on them. I was making all sorts of plans to put them into action, but then as time went by, they started to disappear as snow for the sun and that was because my medication had started to work. Finally, there was nothing left of them and I felt silly for having had them and lucky for not having acted on them. You see how precarious this all is. Imagine what would happen if I accidentally missed a dose. I could get into deep sh*t.

By the way, does anybody know what that volcano in Iceland is doing? I never hear or read about it in the news anymore. I just heard another airplane fly over and it reminded me of it. It was so nice and quiet when air traffic was banned for a while. I sure miss those days. The airport is close by, so we have a lot of noise from landing and departing airplanes. It really irritates me and the airport is only going to get more busy as it becomes more international. It does have restricted hours, but you hear airplanes fly over from 6 am on. It can’t be much fun for the people who really live close to it. That airport was not one of my grievances, by the way, but I wonder what happened to that volcano in Iceland. I suppose I could google it.

It’s time to take Tyke for a walk. The poor thing must not be neglected. I’m trying to teach him that when Gandhi is sitting on my lap, she’s not to be molested. Actually, I wish she never was, but she’s partly the blame for that herself, because she does seek the danger and doesn’t get out of the way on time. She’s not mean enough to fight him properly like Toby does. Toby uses his claws.

I hope you’re all having a good day and that you will have an equally good evening.


>One more time…


It started to rain this morning and it wouldn’t stop. I finally had to make a decision to go out in it, because I needed tobacco and I wanted to get some things for Tyke at the pet shop. I put on my hooded coat and out we went in the drizzle. Tyke didn’t mind one bit and soon was one wet curly bundle of fur. When he gets wet he looks like he’s just had a permanent.

I got him some interesting things to chew on at the pet shop, including a big dried soup bone that you could hit someone over the head and knock them out with. He doesn’t quite know what to do with that, but he does know what to do with the beef jerky sticks that I bought, one of which he is eating now.

At noontime it had stopped raining for awhile and my sister called to ask if I wanted to go and walk the dogs. I thought this was a perfect opportunity to try and let Tyke off the leash, which I had never done. I walked over to my sister’s house and we set the dogs loose on the big field in front of her house. I was very curious about what Tyke would do and half expected him to take off, but he did no such thing.

He liked the freedom and ran around, but kept coming back to us. It was fun to see him run around freely and enjoy himself. We walked all the way around the field and the dogs followed us and Tyke did as if he always had. When it was time to go back on the leash again, I crouched down and he came running to me. So that was pretty painless.

Because he’s so low to the ground, he always gets very wet from the grass and his paws and the lower half of him are sopping wet when it has rained. It’s difficult to get him dry and all day long he walks around being damp. Wherever he lies down, there is a damp place, so you have to be careful where you sit down. Luckily, he lies down most often on the coffee table, so that’s no problem and the cushions on the sofa have a sheet over them, so that spot dries fairly quick too. You do have to warn people that you have a damp dog, though, in case it surprises them.

When we came home from the field, I realized I was very tired and laid down in bed and soon was asleep. I woke up a few hours later to go to the toilet, but I wasn’t ready to be up yet and went back to sleep. I finally woke up at 6:30 pm and was completely over my tiredness and felt ever so much better. Sleep, or the lack of it, can make or break you. I seem to be enormously sensitive to this and can go from very depressed to alright just depending on how much sleep I’ve had. Lack of sleep can mess up my mood very much and the first thing I need to do when I feel bad is find out if I’m overtired, which I quickly am. I rapid cycle if I’m overtired and I don’t do myself any favors by staying up.

I just walked Tyke for the last time today and it was chilly outside. It has stopped raining, but it is still cloudy. It’s not the kind of weather that was predicted. I’m about ready with the rain now and am in the mood for some sunshine. I don’t mind if it’s not so warm, but I do miss the sun. It has peeked through the clouds a few times and it looked promising, but it disappeared again each time.

Saturday is always a little bit of a lost day. I usually don’t accomplish much and I seem to save my chores for Sundays. The laundry is still in the washing machine and it has been for three days now, I think. I will have to hang it up tomorrow. I also have to sweep the living room and the kitchen and do the dishes. At least the weekends aren’t the awful wastes of time that they used to be. I may waste time, but it doesn’t feel like it. The days go by quickly and before I know it, it is Monday again.

No matter how you look at it, the weekend is a break from the busy week, even though I don’t have a job to go to. I feel the same as anybody else and as if I’m on a break on Saturdays and Sundays. I feel more carefree and less responsible, when in reality I’m probably not. Less responsible, I mean. I’m still in charge of all the same things I am during the week. My main charge, of course, being the animals who completely depend on me. It’s good for me. It makes me less self centered and less self occupied. It prevents me from too much navel staring and hibernating.

It’s time for the World Cup Football, people! The Netherlands is playing its first game against Denmark on Monday. I’ll be watching it.
