Archive for Windows


Although I’m sitting here with tears running down my face from all the yawning that I’m doing, I don’t want the evening to end yet, because it is quite early still, so I have made myself a cup of coffee and I’m drinking that to keep myself going for a little while longer, although it’s possible that it’s not going to work at all and that I will be forced to go to bed anyway.

In the meantime I’m helping Gandhi escape from the enthusiasm of Tyke and getting her to jump on the dining table, where I had put a folded up blanket, which Tyke has pulled off and is now in the process of “killing.” It is Jesker’s old blanket, but I have a better one for Gandhi to lie on and we will get the better of Tyke yet. I do have to pick sides and Gandhi needs more help. Tyke is quite capable of looking after himself.

I was rudely interrupted while writing this by many emails that needed answering, and as usual I took my time doing that, so now it’s much later and I’ve gotten my second wind. I’m suddenly awake again and ready for an intellectual challenge. I don’t know if that includes writing this post, but I guess I can make it as challenging for myself as I want. Notwithstanding the fact that I’m typing this without the spell check and I can’t use any really difficult words, because I would have to look them up in the dictionary and that would stop the natural flow of words.

I do try to write as quickly as the sentences enter my head and sometimes I’m on a roll, although I do have periods of non-activity when nothing comes and I’m distracted. I’ve been that way my whole life and it caused me some trouble in primary school when I was distracted a lot, in other words, I day dreamed and I still have the tendency to do that now. I call it constructive day dreaming, because I think of things that matter and come up with solutions to odd little problems I’m faced with. It seems that being occupied in one activity stimulates my brain to be active in other areas as well. I suppose I am a multiple use appliance, handy to have around the house.

I did my taxes this afternoon on line and it turned out to be quite painless, because part of the information was already filled in and what I had to fill in was very simple and each question that I had to answer came with an explanation so I would understand the question and if it applied to me. Luckily, my financial situation is very simple and clear cut. There were no complications. It’s probably the easiest tax form that I ever filled out, because I was unmarried for all of last year. I’m going to remember how simple this was, so I won’t procrastinate next year.

I had Iron Nora do the taxes, she’s much more capable than I am and not the least bit intimidated. That woman is handy to have around and my blogging friend Babaloo reminded me to pull her out of the closet for jobs like this that are tougher than the ordinary daily tasks that I’m normally faced with, but I think I can pull her out of the closet whenever I get timid. I’m regularly intimidated by something and I can use a tough woman at moments like that. Especially now that I’m wearing cowboy boots that strengthen my image a great deal.

I have been wearing my brown leather jacket for warmth, but the weather is getting better now and I think I can start wearing my black leather jacket with the zippers and the buttons, which is very cool. It was the first leather jacket I bought and I felt like quite a hip chick when I wore it out of the store. I can wear my green scarf with it, which is an upgrade from the blue and black scarf I’ve been wearing with my brown leather jacket and that used to belong to my mother, so it is very old and it also needs to go into the laundry. The black leather jacket is best worn open, but it’s not quite warm enough for that yet, although tomorrow it’s going to be an incredible 17 degrees Celsius. That’s practically balmy and real spring weather. I can hardly believe my eyes reading that forecast. I’ll wear my jacket open with my green scarf around my neck.

I had three chores to do today and I did them all, except that I didn’t quite finish the last one and then, as it got later in the day, I excused myself from that one and will add it to the chores I will have to do tomorrow. I will have to do three of them tomorrow and maybe four if I’m really gutsy and honest. I don’t write them down, as I know exactly what they are and I don’t forget them. They are lasered into my brain. Three chores aren’t that many to remember. Carrying them out is, because I reach a certain time of the day when I excuse myself from doing work and I only get to play, as if I have a regular paid job.

Actually, my excuse is that I try to keep the stress out of my life, but I think I should test that theory and see if it still applies. If I start doing more than three chores, I will have to start making lists or make the stuff up as I go along. There are always things to do here. I will have must do and can do chores and do the must do chores first. I will have to forego some time on the computer, because it distracts me hugely and is always beckoning me to turn it on.

I reinstalled Windows Vista the other day, because it was acting funny, and as a result I got more space on my hard disk and it also kept all the things I had installed and downloaded myself, even though it said it would put those things separately on the hard disk. I did a complete reinstallment, not an upgrade. I thought it was wonderful and apparently it got rid of some unnecessary junk. Windows Vista is okay, but very often it is murmuring to itself, doing unknown things on line that aren’t apparent and it has many updates. I don’t know why such a big deal was made out of it. The email program is good, but it should be. Would you expect anything less?

It’s late now and I should go to bed, but I’m enjoying myself here. I’ll run out of things to do, though, and be forced to close shop. I’ll go put the clean sheets on the bed. That was the part of the third job that I had not finished. I want to sleep in a clean, good smelling bed tonight. That will be a treat to me.

Goodnight, dear all. I’ll see you all tomorrow, very late in the morning.



I cleaned up the dining table. There were about 6 stacks of envelopes and magazines and other assorted bits of paper laying there and I looked through all of them and made a decision about each item. Do I pay it, file it, save it for later or chuck it? Faster than I would have guessed, I was all done and I even had time to fill in a long consumer questionnaire with the cute little pencil that the company had provided. I stuck it in the envelope that needed no stamp and will mail it when I walk Tyke next. Maybe I will get a nice assortment of products like I did the last time I filled in a questionnaire. That was really my motivation, you know! I like freebies.

I am now looking at my sofa cushions and realize that I need to take the covers off all of them and put them in the washing machine and run them through a good 40 degree cycle. That will freshen them up a bit. It is a job I will do tomorrow I think, because it’s too late in the afternoon to do it now. I get my brilliant ideas too late in the day, which makes me wonder where the yellow fleece blanket is. I must have chucked it in the laundry basket already.

This morning I was bent over petting the dog when a drop of blood fell on him and I realized that I was spontaneously having a nose bleed. Luckily, I had a paper towel handy and held that to my nose immediately and pinched it until it stopped bleeding. It must be because I had that cold and my nose got tender from it. I have no other explanation.

I switched four plants around in the living room and changed the pots of some of them too. The prayer plant was dying because I had over watered it. I took it out of the pot it was in, because I could never check the water level well, and put it in an enamel bowl on the plant stand. I put the fig plant where the prayer plant used to be and took off the dead leaves and saw where there were new leaves growing. I put the plant with the dainty leaves, that used to be on the plant stand, in a big pot and placed it on the coffee table where there is a lot of room for it. I cut off all the straggly ends. Then I took one of the philodendrons and moved it from the little cabinet to the dresser where the fig plant used to be. Neither one of the philodendrons is doing well and I really need to go to the flower shop and buy two new plants.

I dusted the dining table, but after I moved all those plants, I realized that I needed to dust everywhere, but I’m out of Pledge and I want to buy a new can of it and dust properly. I love the way it smells and picks up dust and makes things shine. You don’t get that with a damp cloth. So Pledge is on my shopping list.

Because Tyke is always looking out the living room windows, they are completely smudged by his wet nose. I will have to get the window cleaner out and clean those portions of the windows. It will be a never ending job, but I can get it from becoming completely out of hand. I probably should just do it once a day as a rule.

Alright, that’s enough rambling. I’m going to do laundry now. It’s about time that somebody does. It’s piled high in the basket. I would check all the pockets if I knew there was a chance of finding money. I will only find dog poop baggies and tissues.


>Time to go to bed….

After having changed the living room around, and having posted the photographs of it here, I find myself full of piss and vinegar and nor nearly ready to go to sleep. Firstly, because it is so nice to sit in a rearranged living room. Secondly, because I put a long blue scarf as a runner on the dining table and every time I look at it, I’m startled by the effect. Thirdly, because I put the vase with lighted branches on the dresser and hung christmas balls and other decorations in it, so now it’s festive here. I also realized that the computer desk needs to be moved to where the black and white chair is now, and the chair needs to be moved to where the desk is now. Some cable needs to be laid for that and I need the expertise of the Exfactor for that. So I will have to wait for his broken collar bone to heal.

The cats liked me moving the furniture around and immediately started climbing on top of everything. Cats always like that kind of stuff, they like to be right in the middle of things and then claim all the new territory as quickly as possible. The dog was also right there and barely moved out of the way for the vacuum cleaner, but he reluctantly did if he had to. He was trying to hang on to his sleeping spot, but I had to move his blanket and for a while it didn’t have a place anywhere, leaving him stranded. I finally folded it over double and put it beside the bookcase where he is sound asleep now. I think I will put another blanket under it to make it even more comfortable for him to sleep on. I do have to consider his aging bones that want as soft as possible a place to lay on.

Now that I’ve moved the furniture, it’s really obvious that the walls need to be painted, but that is going to be such a big job that I’m going to wait until I’m physically very fit. Or if I keep being as fit as I have been today, because today I can imagine painting the walls and it doesn’t seem like an unsurmountable job. The hardest part is going to be to move the bookcase away from the wall. It is heavy even if I take all the books out of it and very tough to manhandle. I want the walls to be a sand color and I can already imagine what they are going to look like. I also want to get brighter color blinds for the living room windows. The ones I have now are burgundy colored and I want red. Yes, and money still doesn’t grow on trees, especially not at this time of the year.

I got a nice gift from Babaloo. She gave me the book The Last Girls from Lee Smith, which is a book I really wanted. I seem to be blessed with people who send me kind gifts. You don’t know how much that means to me. It makes me feel ever so special. Lee Smith is a new writer for me. She is a Southern writer from the States and writes about small town America there. I’m looking forward to reading that book very much. I will spend much time on my newly positioned sofa reading good novels. Thanks, Babaloo!

I trimmed one of my plants that lost a lot of its leaves. I have it sitting on the dining table and it was trailing all over the place looking scraggly, so I took the scissors and gave it a haircut in the hopes that it will fill out well and look bushier and fuller in a short amount of time, and I’m going to keep trimming the trailing ends to keep it compact. I’m hoping to turn it into a healthy plant again. I think I can do it, as the other plant has perked up and is looking better already. I’ve also watered my prayer plant, as I discovered it was dry and moved it to a spot closer to the window and it too has perked up quite a bit. It seems to appreciate daylight a lot more than the somewhat dark spot I had it sitting in. Plants do appreciate the little things you do for them. I’ve moved my rubber plant, but I don’t know if it’s going to like where it is now, away from the window. I can only try and hope for the best, if not, invest in a plant that will take low light conditions.

I was just sitting here looking around and I decided to move the big scratching post from the corner of the living room, because the cats never use it, and to hang one of my paintings in that corner. So I did and got a light that I clamped on to the bookcase and pointed to the painting and now I have a nice bright corner there. Then I took two more of my paintings and hung those up in the living room too instead of two smaller things that were hanging there. I had to very softly hammer two little nails into the wall for one of them, so as not to wake the neighbors, but I was successful. I must say that it all looks quite nice. It is very gratifying to have your own art hanging around, no matter how simplistic it is. Of course, what I really want is the collages framed and hung up, but I have to buy the frames for those. That will please me to no end. But this is nice too. Another brilliant idea, if I may say so myself.

If I sit here long enough, I’m sure to have more ideas. Now that my evil little mind is at work it is not going to leave me alone and keep scheming and planning, except that it is the wrong time of the night to be doing these kinds of things. Darn, isn’t it a shame that there is such a thing as bedtime? Just when you’re having all your good ideas. I just went to have a look in the kitchen closet where the modem for the computer is and I think there is enough extra cable for me to move the computer to the other side of the room. Aha! Isn’t that interesting? I may not even need the Exfactor. I may be able to do this job by myself. This requires careful investigation.

It would be really funny if I managed to do all of this on my own. It would be the total liberation of myself as a woman. First I would have to make a little drawing of where all the plugs go in the back of the computer. That would be simple. But the first thing I have to do is trace the proper cable to it’s source and trace the other cables that are coming out of the modem also. One would be for the television and one for the telephone and one for the computer. That ought to be easy to figure out. I love it when I think logically.

Okay people, I’m about to go do a big experiment. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Hopefully everything will go well.


>I didn’t…

I didn’t hang up the sheets to dry yesterday. I didn’t wash the dog’s blanket either and I didn’t apply flea drops. Don’t ask me why I failed to do these things. Well, yes, ask me. I had a mild case of anxiety and it got in the way of me and I was unable to get out from underneath it, so I finally caved in and took 10 mg of Oxazepam, which is my tranquilizer and a very low dose. I watched television then and after a while I felt better and was more relaxed again. So it seems that the tranquilizers do still have their place in my life and I had to admit that to myself and made peace with it.

I dozed on the sofa and when it was time, I put on my pajamas and took the rest of my medication and then went to sleep on the sofa for the night, because I had a hunkering to sleep there and not in my bed. I felt a bit claustrophobic the last time I slept in my bed and I thought I would see how it was to sleep on the sofa, which I hadn’t done in a while. Well yes, when Joost was here. I had forgotten about that. It seems like such a long time ago, but it was only a few weeks.

I didn’t have any blankets over me and woke up in the middle of the night kind of chilly, but I wrapped my arms around myself and went back to sleep. I kept the television turned on low and was aware of the sound, but not directly of what the voices said, so they did not penetrate my dreams. It does make you sleep restlessly, though, and I should have gotten up to turn the television off, but I didn’t want to be bothered. Those were a few movements to many.

Jesker was confused at one point and went to sleep in the bedroom. He came back after a while and slept beside me on the area rug. There was a cat laying on top of me, but when I turned over to get comfortable, she disappeared, which was good, because it was not working out well with her bony elbows in my ribs.

When I got up this morning, I was a little bit sore from having lain there. The sofa doesn’t quite support my back as well as the mattress, but the soreness disappeared after I was up for a while. I turned the computer on to check my emails and spent some time petting Jesker who was in great need of a cuddle.

After I answered my emails, I shut the computer off and washed my hair, which was totally smashed on one side and sticking up very funky on the other. That’s what you get when you very liberally apply wax and hairspray. It does molest your hair when you sleep on it. After I washed and dried it, I pushed it into place with more wax and hairspray and got it just right, to my amazement. Sometimes that just happens. It’s when, by some miracle, you do exactly the right things.

I walked Jesker and made some cigarettes and then it was time for my appointment with my SPN. I rode my bike over there in a hard wind, but my hair could not be blown out of place and I arrived in one piece, as put together as when I left the apartment.

I told my SPN about the Oxazepam that I had taken and that sometimes, at the end of the afternoon, I feel a bit anxious and I have a harder time settling down and I find it difficult to soothe myself and to get myself in a good place where I’m relaxed and calm and serene and at ease. Actually, I’m a bit of a ball of nerves then, though it is not as bad as could be expected.

So I asked her if I could have a supply of tranquilizers that I could take as needed with a daily limit put on it that I would not exceed. She thought that might be a good idea after she asked me how I dealt with the anxiety, and called my psychiatrist and put the question to him. He agreed also and thought that was a good idea, considering I was coming off such a huge dose, so about 5 minutes later he walked into the office with a prescription for 1 tablet 4 times a day if needed.

He also told me, that while my SPN is on holiday for ten days, he is at all times available to me for the least little thing, no matter how unimportant I think it is. He says it’s better to call, than not to call.

So I’m very much put at ease by that affirmation and by the tranquilizers, which I picked up at the pharmacy on my way home. It’s good to know that there are people out there keeping an eye on me and who I can turn to should there be a need. I’m very much strengthened by the knowledge that I have the tranquilizers and I took one when I got home, because of the deep and reflective nature of the talk that my SPN and I had about my early childhood and how my character was then and how that compares to me now. It seems that I haven’t changed very much, except for becoming more mature and wiser. I’m still a person of extremes as I’ve always been.

So, I hadn’t hung up the laundry outside and now I’m too late, because it’s raining. There’s a nice steady down pour, which I enjoy, and I’ve already walked Jesker, so it’s okay. Let it pour. I hope the laundry on the rack in the bathroom is dry, so I can hang the sheets to dry there.

I’m supposed to do my sets of three chores today, so I’m mentally preparing myself for that. It takes a little courage to get started, although I already opened the mail, but it was not a lot. There is one thing I need to call about, but there is no rush. I hardly feel any pressure. Which is good, because the tranquilizer is working and I don’t think I’m capable of performing in any complicated way. Just imagine that I used to take so many of these. I don’t know how I functioned before.

It’s a good thing I haven’t bothered to wash the windows on the outside, because it would have been a complete waste of time. Isn’t that very convenient for me? Rain will cover up the grime, at least until the weather turns dry again. Then I’ll have to get busy and clean them before the Fall starts, there’s no more time to put it off. Maybe I can talk the Exfactor into helping me with the windows in the back. I figure it’s still his dirt too and I’ve been nice about it. Or is that not good reasoning?

I’m turning 55 next week. I think it’s one heck of a birthday, bigger than turning 50. There must be all sorts of benefits attached to turning 55, but I haven’t heard about any of them yet. I hope to get some nice information about it in the mail. You always hear so much about being 55+. At least in this country you do. I want to reap the rewards and get all sorts of discounts. I’m counting on it.

Well, I suppose I’ll start on my sets of chores now. I’ll have to pull myself away from the computer with some effort. It isn’t easy when you have an addiction, as you will all know. First I’m going to open the back door and the kitchen window to let some fresh air in.

Hope you are having a good day so far. I’m having a splendid one myself looking through rose tinted glasses.


>Ergo therapy.

After a fairly decent night’s sleep, I woke up quite ready to start the day and made my cup of coffee with much pleasure and drank it while I checked my emails. Then I shut off the computer and went to my closet to figure out what I was going to wear. on the hot sunny day it was going to be.

I realized that I should wear as little as possible, but being shy about my body, that is hard for me to do, so instead of that, I found some jeans that I had not worn in over a year, because they had been too tight, and I tried them on. Well guess what, they were almost too big, but they fit well enough, so I could wear them. Glad about that, I went in search of a top and found an India style printed top that matched my favorite necklace and the bracelets I had just bought. Isn’t it neat when you can go shopping in your own closet?

I got dressed and made up and did my hair and then walked Jesker in the early morning coolness, but you could already feel that it was going to be a hot day. The sky was bright blue and the sun was already gathering strength. Nobody else was out there yet and we made a long walk around and enjoyed the stillness of the morning.

Back home I had some time to go until I had to leave for ergo therapy and made myself a bowl of cereal. Then I sat at the dining table while drinking my coffee and looked out the window, but soon I was nodding off into sleep and waking up again and I kept doing that until I decided that what I needed was a brisk bike ride, so I left to go to ergo therapy.

The bike ride woke me up and I made myself a cup of espresso when I arrived at my destination. I sat out on the deck and waited for the other people to show up, which they did, one by one, and we drank our coffees and talked until our therapist showed up, who is also the head therapist. We filed into the room and took our seats and the meeting began with the usual round of everyone telling how they were at the moment and what was happening in their lives.

I’m afraid that from this point on, I constantly dozed off, until it was break time and the therapist kindly suggested to me that I go home and take a good nap. I gladly agreed with this suggestion and rode my bike home and laid down on the sofa, where I fell into a deep sleep and slept for two hours. I felt fantastic when I woke up.

Now, here’s the thing. The anti psychotics have a tendency to make you sleepy. When I was taking 4 mg, I took them at night before I went to sleep, but when I went to 6 mg, I took them 3 times a day during the day. I think that it is time for me to go back to 4 mg, because a high dose of anti psychotics can make you feel depressed, and I also think that I need to start taking them at bedtime again, so that I will be less sleepy during the day. Usually, I am not on 6 mg for such a long time, because the psychiatrist does not like it, but he is on vacation right now, so I have to make the call myself and inform my SPN. I think it is the right decision.

There has always been major input from me when it comes to my anti psychotics and when they need to be raised and lowered. That’s one of the medicines I have a lot of influence over, because I know best how I feel and what it does to me and right now I think I am getting too much at the wrong time. That’s how I see it.

I just took Jesker out for a walk and it is awfully hot out there, in the sense that it is uncomfortable, and it is going to get even hotter over the next two days. I’m sure some people love this kind of weather, but I’m not one of them and the heat is wasted on me. I like mild temperatures and a little rain now and then. Maybe I should be living in Ireland.

I thought I had gotten my windows very clean and they are, but now I see streaks from the squeegee and it doesn’t look pretty. I guess I need Aims to come and do my windows for me, she has a full proof way. I think it involves newspapers and vinegar, if I remember correctly. Probably more effort than I’m willing to put into it. I guess I don’t care enough or else I would do it. I want someone else to do them for me. I have to think about window cleaners. I’ll think about them real hard.

I have to sweep in a little while, because Jesker has been very merrily shedding hair again and it is piling up into little snowdrifts. It especially shows up on the dark blue linoleum in the kitchen. Then I have to do the dishes and take the dry laundry of the drying rack and there you have 3 chores. That will do in this heat. I also have to go to the tobacconist, because I’m almost out of tobacco. I did make it last, though. Nobody can say that I’m a scoundrel and a wastrel. Well, they could, but it wouldn’t be true.

Right, off I go on my bike into the hot sunshine. It will be like a tropical ride in the suburbs to the exotic location of the tobacconist.

Have a good day!


>Getting there!

>Writing these posts gives me the perfect opportunity to take a breather, because I notice that I don’t necessarily stick to chores of threes, but sort of keep going until I’m too tired to go anymore and I have to stop and do something else. I check my emails and answer them if there are any, that’s a good break, but then I forget to have something to drink and really relax as I am on the edge of my seat, ready to go and tackle the next thing. I work as if there is no tomorrow and for me there isn’t, because I don’t know what my mood will be like tomorrow and this may all be over. I have to grab this opportunity while I can, mad as it is.

So, where was I?

I made a bucket of hot soapy water with dish washing liquid and washed the windows with it with a cloth and a squeegee and I got good results, very clean windows. Then I took the same bucket of hot suds and cleaned all the shelves of the bookcase, but the real surprise came when I got the stepladder and climbed on it and looked on top of the bookcase. Quelle horreur! It was black with dust, so I got my cloth very wet and soapy and applied some elbow grease. I know it is because I smoke that everything gets such a sticky layer of dirt. That’s the price I pay.

Anyway, I am now in the possession of a very clean white bookcase with an empty shelf to put a sculpture on, which I must do in a while. I had a basket sitting in the opening, but decided to add that basket to another basket that was also sitting on a shelf, thereby creating the space. I think I have a sculpture that will fit right in there.

Then I got a bucket of white latex paint out and found a brush and painted some sections of the walls in the kitchen that for whatever reasons had become discolored. I brushed it on in such a way that it’s not immediately obvious that there is a slight difference in the shade of white and when it dries, I don’t think you will notice it.It looks a lot better anyway, but really, that whole kitchen needs to be ripped out and revamped. It’s old and tired and inefficient. I hope the housing corporation does something about them soon.

Then I took a bucket of suds and cleaned the tiles beneath the wash basin in the bathroom and all along the water pipes that run to the shower. That had never been done, as far as I know, especially not all those years that I had been depressed during my sons illness. I cleaned the bottom of the wash basin too and even found spider rag there.

Finally, I took the bucket and emptied it in the shower basin and gave it a quick scrub before all the sudsy water disappeared and that was that.

All I have to do now, besides the chores that are left on my list for tomorrow, is walk Jesker and get the trash ready for tonight to put outside. Then I am going to take a shower and wash my hair and put on my pajamas. Last of all, I am going to do some ironing, because there may be some clothes in the basket that I want to wear tomorrow.

I am really beat now and I am getting tired, so I think I will sleep well tonight, but the whole thing has been a fun experience. I didn’t know I could still do that much work on so little sleep and so little food. I am ready to eat now.

I hope you enjoyed my journey into this slight madness with me. It’s been an incredible experience, like a dream and I am now waking up. I have sore muscles.

Have a good Sunday evening or whatever your time of day is.

See you again soon!


>Speedy Gonzalez.

>I’ve made a list of chores and I’ve divided it room by room to keep it manageable, except that I didn’t know which room to put the ironing under so it’s in a category all by itself. I suppose that would be under the header “miscellaneous.” Equally with organizing clothes, although that could go under the header “Junk room,” because that’s where my closet is. I only have “wash windows” there now.

It helps too break it down in segments, otherwise it becomes unmanageable and you just end up with a very long and intimidating list, This way I can go from room to room, even if I’m not completely done in one room.

I completely cleaned the bathroom, except for the shower basin and the tiles under the wash basin. I had crawled around on my knees washing the floor and thought that was enough of that and quit, but I crossed off all the other items I had to do in the bathroom, such as the sink and the toilet and the shelf and the mirror. And the dirty little waste can.

Then I got the vacuum cleaner out and started vacuuming the area rug in the living room and realized suddenly that it was reversible and that it had a brighter side on the bottom. I had to move the furniture, because the rug is about 8 feet by 4 feet and pulled it away and around. There was a lot of grit underneath it, so I vacuumed that, and then put it bottom side up in place and replaced the furniture and now it looks like I have a brand new area rug. I just saved myself 60 Euros, because thatś what a new one would have cost me.

I vacuumed the furniture and got so hot that I had to remove an article of clothing, which was okay, because I was still decent without it. I just looked pudgier for lack of camouflage. That’s why I wear layers of clothes.

I did take little breaks and had a delicious cup of tea with three sugars in it that pepped me up quite well. That made me think that maybe I should take sugar in my coffee, but I really don’t like the taste of it, so I would have to get used to that a lot, but it would give me quick energy. I have to ponder on this some more.

I dusted my bedroom, which stays amazingly clean, maybe because it’s my sacred, hallowed place, and then vacuumed the carpet. I found one hairball, which was rather disgusting, but it was pretty solid. All I have left to do in this room, is wash the windows and clean the radiator. Those are still on my list.

I’m going to dust the bookcase next and clean the living room windows inside. Outside it is raining, so it is not much sense doing them there. Besides, it is Sunday and I can’t go out there and wash windows. I would be reported to the Holy Doctrine Police and be incarcerated in a church dungeon.

Please, read my posts before this one, so you know what I have been doing since the middle of the night. I’m on a cleaning journey and making a log about it. I want you to be part of my efforts. When I finally go around the bend, you can say, we read all about it and were witness to it.

Actually, I don’t think I’ll go around the bend, I’m to sane for that. I have my full capacities still. I am just wide awake and not in the least bit tired. I’m amazingly free of madness. But don’t crazy people always say that about themselves?

Onward to the next chores. I’ll let you know how they go. It’s more fun if I get to report in every few hours.


>An Award.

>Diane Clancy has decided with her whole kind heart and everything, to give me an award for which I am very grateful. It has been a while since I have gotten one, because at one point I decided that I did not want to get them anymore, but I have changed my mind recently and become greedy again. I am undecided if I should display the awards that I have gotten so far in my sidebar, or if I should show an award once and leave it at that. It’s a decision I’ll have to make some day. Anyway, here is the award:
Now comes the hard part, I have to give this reward to seven other people and list them here and link to their blogs also and leave them a message on their blogs. This is where it all gets very tricky you see. Try to think of only seven people I would give this award to is hard, so today, I am going for some unusual choices, people you may not have heard of before.

Here they are in no particular order and I am not going to mention the individual’s name, as it is not always known to me. The blogs I am giving this award to are:

A round of applause for them and for me for getting that part done. Now all I have left to do is go to their blogs and leave them a comment.

Oh boy, I think I am finally recuperated from installing Ubuntu and I am trying to figure out if it was all worth it. I think I will give it a week of working exclusively with it and then decide if I like it or Windows better. I think I have to get used to the way Ubuntu works. It is so simple and bare and not at all cluttered with things the way Windows is. I feel like I am missing things that I should keep looking for.

I think that for my photographs download I will keep going to Windows, unless the Exfactor comes up with a solution like he said he would. He was here yesterday to take a look at it all and to bring me a very small pair of plyers to repair my necklaces with, some of which had started to fall apart. Luckily, all of them while I was at home.

I slept a lot during the day, on the sofa and the Überhund was mighty confused. He does however sleep on his sheepskin rug and shares it happily with the cats, because there is enough room for everybody. It was a brilliant idea to put it under the coffee table, if I say so myself. I think he feels safe there and it is close to where I sit usually.

I have been wearing my high tops almost nonstop, because they are so comfortable and the next time I am in that store, I must look to see if they have another pair in my size, which they didn’t when I got these. It would be good to have a spare pair around in case I wear these out quickly. I think they are cool enough to wear a lot and to safe my boots for when I really get gussied up.

Today I am expecting my last expenditure, a gray long sleeved tunic that is a size 44 and that will hopefully stop my spending spree for now. Unless I find many cheap things at the second hand clothing store. Anything is possible.

Today I must go to the tobacco shop and I really should go grocery shopping, but if I don’t make it today, I can go tomorrow. It all depends on when the package gets here.

We are having some sunny days here. Not quite summery, but pleasant nevertheless. In the mornings it is cold, but when the sun gains in strength, it get positively warm. I thought I had lost that jasmine that I had transplanted to the pot out front, but there are some new little leaves on it, so I am hopeful that it will be okay by another few weeks. It is winter blooming jasmine, so it should be showing some growth this time of the year.

The poor cats have run out of Perfect Fit to eat and now have to eat ordinary Felix cat food and they don’t like it. They have distinguished taste. They have been spoiled by me to think only the best is good for them and they are right. No food additives and no food coloring and other junk. Gandhi is my case in point, the less she barfs, the better the food.

Well, except for the awards, this has not been a very exciting post, but I can’t always be such a sharp and witty humorist. Sometimes, I am just plain dull.

Have a good day people, I think I will yet have a nap or two in me.
